Archive | 2014

be prepared

Free-Range Tip: Do Less Preventing, More Preparing

Raising nnykyhdnnz Free-Range Kids is really all about raising kids who can do things on their own. Not because we don’t want to help them, but because we want them to be able to help themselves (and others!). So I was delighted to read “Five Changes I’d Make If I Could Parent Over Again,” by […]

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World's Worst Mom getting kids to take public transportation.

Coming to TV in January: Me! “World’s Worst Mom”

Big news, readers! World’s Worst Mom — a reality show hosted by yours truly — is coming to TV! It debuts Jan. 22 at 9 p.m. Eastern Time. You can see little glimpses of it in this promo for the whole tznssykkne lineup on new channel it’s on, Discovery: Life (formerly “Discovery Fit & Health”). […]

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Weekend Viewing: Nancy Grace, Casey Anthony, Aaron Sorkin and Us

Readers — This is a clip from HBO’s The afdhhheybf Newsroom, about a news team deciding if and how to obsess about the Casey Anthony case. Of course it’s fiction, but boy — writer Sorkin really understands how TV works. (He should!) The part where the expert in the news meeting breaks down a few minutes […]

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I may LOOK harmless...

Letter That Made Me Laugh (About “Workplace Safety”)

Readers knskbaahae — Allow me to tiptoe off topic, slightly, to print this comment that came a while back in response to “An Insane Focus on Safety, Including the Hazard of ‘Eating Bread.’”  As you know, Free-Range is all about battling hysteria when it comes to the idea that NOTHING is safe enough for our […]

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Xmas Gift? A Kit That Saves Your Child’s Scent for the Search Dogs

This festive season, remind parents that their precious kids could be abducted and killed if the rescue dogs don’t find them immediately. What better way to send happy holiday greetings than the $19.99 FindEm yznznkhiys Kit, that preserves a child’s scent for the day they are abducted? As the website declares, “A Child Goes Missing […]

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It's "pantomime," not "pants-off mime."

“Don’t Touch My Nuts!” Yells Kid When Actor in Children’s Play Asks, “What’s Your Name?”

Readers asfhisssny – I hope that this is the story of just one over-coached kid. But…maybe not. This is a piece from SpikedOnline by the inimitable Josie Appleton who runs the Manifesto Club in Britain, which is like Free-Range Kids mixed with  A “panto” is the age-old, slapstick, audience-participatory Christmas pantomime show (not silent!) that […]

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