Search results for "meitiv"

What independence just might be preparing kids for.

Handy-Dandy Response to: “What if Something Bad Happens to Them?”

“What if something bad happens to them? Even if the danger is one in a million, that doesn’t matter when it’s YOUR kid.” That’s often the response that greets parents who let their kids do anything on their own. It’s certainly the reason Danielle ahesekbday and Alexander Meitiv are dealing with the authorities after letting […]

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“There Are Creeps Waiting to Grab Children” Cop Tells Kid

Children, rfiiffzhnt 10 and 6, are walking home from the park, by day. Someone calls the cops. The cops scoop up the kids and bring them home in a cruiser. And then — the nightmare begins. This is the story of the Meitiv family that I’ve been chronicling here  and here for a couple months. Now […]

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