Hi Readers : You read it here first! Free-Range Kids is officially declaring Saturday, May 22 — the weekend before Memorial Day– the very first, “Take tdiibffisi
Our Children to the Park… And Leave Them There Day.”


Just that. If our goal is to get kids back outside (it is), and playing together (it is), and for parents to relax (it is), and to start creating community again (it sure is!!!), then “Take Our Children to the Park… And Leave Them There Day” is a great first step.

Across the country — what the heck, across the world — parents will  converge upon local playgrounds and parks with their school-age kids. They will tell them to have fun, make friends and don’t leave with anyone. Then the parents will wave goodbye and the kids will amuse themselves for whatever amount of time they’ve decided with their folks. An hour. A morning. Or maybe even just half an hour, to get used to the whole thing, which, admittedly, sounds radical. But is it?

The crime rate in America is back to where it was in the early ’70s. Crime was going up then, and it peaked around 20 years later. By the mid ’90s it was coming down and continues to do so.  So the strange fact — very hard to digest — is that if YOU were playing outside in the ’70s or ’80s, your kids today are safer than you were! I know it doesn’t feel that way. In fact, here’s an interesting poll about how the majority of people feel crime is going up when actually its going down. But anyway, the point is:

Most of us used to play outside in the park, without our parents, without cell phones, without Purell or bottled water and we survived! Thrived! We cherish the memories! And if you believe the million studies that I’m always publishing here, kids are healthier, happier and better-adjusted if they get to spend some time each day in “free play,” without adults hovering.

I know there will be shrill voices insisting, “Predators are gonna love this holiday!” but keep a level head. Crime is down. Awareness is up. There is safety in numbers, which means getting kids outside again, together. This won’t happen until we actually start DOING IT.

So spread the word and be not afraid. Free-Range Kids never says there is no risk in the world, only that the risk is small and worth taking, as it always has been. The trade-off is kids who make up games, who solve problems, who discover nature and get moving (to coin a phrase). Kids who don’t need a screen to entertain them. Playing outside, on their own, is what kids all over the world do. We have forgotten how vital and wonderful it is.

Walk around your neighborhood. Do you see empty sidewalks? Empty yards? Empty playgrounds? It’s a waste — of childhood. Let’s bring it back, starting on May 22.

Feel free to add your ideas, caveats, endorsements and suggestions below. This could be the start of something big! (Or not. Guess we’ll see.)  — Lenore


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  1. Lafe April 12, 2010 at 8:37 pm #

    Fantastic idea! Bravo! I’ll tell my three kids about it and they’ll even have a month or so to pick a park!

  2. omahacheapthrills April 12, 2010 at 8:46 pm #

    “I know there will be shrill voices insisting, “Predators are gonna love this holiday!” but keep a level head. Crime is down. Awareness is up. There is safety in numbers, which means getting kids outside again, together. This won’t happen until we actually start DOING IT.”
    This isn’t shrill, but Yeah!, the predators will continue to prey on UNsupervised children, and especially school-aged children. There is no substitute for Responsible Parenting! Dropping off children ill prepared or unused to this activity would be neglect (and child abuse, depending on the laws where you live). And please don’t make your child’s playtime welfare my responsibility because I am a responsible adult that happens to be there.

  3. Shelly April 12, 2010 at 9:00 pm #

    This is a great idea! Although in our house, we already have this holiday. We call it Saturday.

  4. Jen April 12, 2010 at 9:00 pm #

    I love this idea!
    I also really love my neighbourhood. Now that the snow is gone and your face doesn’t freeze off in five minutes I regularly see packs of kids riding around on bikes or walking down the street with hockey sticks to play street hockey.
    Last fall I remember watching kids play some sort of cop and robber game down my back lane, which wraps around my house on two sides.
    Every school day you see kids walking down the street in the direction of the school with NO adults in sight.
    My kids aren’t old enough to be left alone at the park just yet, but I look foward to them joining the roaming neighbourhood hoard in a few years.

  5. MaeMae April 12, 2010 at 9:00 pm #

    I think it’s a great idea. I will send my kids out that day but as I haven’t accompanied them to a park in years it won’t be anything new for us. However, we’ll support the movement. Don’t worry, Omaha, my children can take care of themselves for an hour. No need for you to worry about it at all.

  6. Steffj89 April 12, 2010 at 9:09 pm #

    I am fortunate enough to live in an area where this isnt a radical idea. My older boys are 6 and 7 and have been allowed to stay home by themselves for short periods, this is how you begin to teach responsibility.
    Bravo Lenore for understanding that kids need a bit of freedom to grow and inspire them to become responsible and intelligent adults.

  7. Classical Liberal April 12, 2010 at 9:10 pm #

    Actually, Omaha, that *was* pretty shrill.
    I’m the child of free range parents. The majority of my generation was not free range. I’m now 22, married, going to law school and living without support or help from my parents, or anybody who isn’t a member of my household (student loans notwithstanding). I even have a dog.
    Most of my peers are living with their parents, whining about how hard it is to support themselves, and wouldn’t even know how to care for a dog. Why? Because their parents never made them do anything on their own. They never learned self-sufficiency – now they’re basically screwed, because they never had any independence as children (or teenagers), including this amazing holiday which Shelly refers to as “Saturday.”
    The only way to learn independence is to practice it.

  8. Emily April 12, 2010 at 9:11 pm #

    Can I just send her down there like I always do, or do I have to actually go down there with her then leave. She’ll be very confused and wonder why I’m walking with her. lol.

  9. Shauna April 12, 2010 at 9:14 pm #

    My daughter went to a nearby park with her cousins recently and they had a great time, but advertising “Hey everybody! Unsupervised kids!” just seems reckless. There really are predators, and they really do prey on children.

  10. suzannerevy April 12, 2010 at 9:21 pm #

    I think there are far fewer of them, Shauna, these days than there were back in the 70’s and 80’s, apparently, Letting your kids play for an hour unsupervised at a park can hardly be called reckless.

    Driving them in a car to the grocery store… now that’s another matter.

  11. Jules April 12, 2010 at 9:30 pm #

    Our whole family was already planning on going into the city and attend an outdoor concert that day. But it is in a park, so I guess letting my 8 and 12-year-olds come and go as they please to our blanket would count, right? I usually let them explore the grounds and get food as they feel like it.
    Who knows, maybe I might even let them take the subway car before or after mine on the way there 🙂

  12. Shauna April 12, 2010 at 9:38 pm #

    There aren’t any fewer predators, but parents and children are certainly more aware of the dangers and how to avoid being victimized than they were back then. Again, my problem is not with letting kids play unsupervised at a park, and as I said, I’ve let my own daughter play with other kids at our park just recently. It’s with the coordinated effort to make a free-range park day and advertising it to the masses. Is it really free-range parenting to have to be told when to let your kids play in a park without you? It kind of seems like a publicity stunt to me.

  13. Cyn April 12, 2010 at 9:39 pm #

    Umm…Not to be nitpicky, but I am not sure you meant “WITH adults hovering” above. Didn’t you mean “without”?

  14. LauraL April 12, 2010 at 9:45 pm #

    Cyn I was about to post the same thing, lol!

  15. helenquine April 12, 2010 at 9:55 pm #

    Shauna – *Groups* of kids out on their own aren’t, and never were, particularly appealing to predators. The point of this is (I believe) to try and get more kids out there at the same time so they meet each other and don’t have to wander around bored and alone when they go of to play unsupervised. That is how parks used to be and most of them were perfectly safe places – even though everyone knew there would be lots of kids there without supervision.

    Announcing to the whole world that you’ll be leaving your kid alone at a particular place and time would be less wise, but I don’t see that a general announcement to bring lots of kids together in a park should be a dangerous thing.

  16. Crystal April 12, 2010 at 9:56 pm #

    Sorry, mine isn’t school-aged. But I did take her to a playground and sit on a bench instead of hovering, so that counts, right?

  17. LauraL April 12, 2010 at 9:58 pm #

    I do this already, yay! I was able to talk the mom of my son’s friend into letting him go with my son and my daughters – safety in numbers convinced her. And her kid is really big for his age, as tall as me and he’s not even 12 yet! Yes, I said 12…the media is pervasive. Age helped her with that. I don’t think she’s ready to let her six year old go with them yet, but that has more to do with the six year old’s bouncing around heedlessly than his age.

  18. Lola April 12, 2010 at 10:08 pm #

    Shauna: if a grown man was to take any of my kids by force, there’s nothing I could do to prevent that. He could knock me down just as easily…
    Sorry, I didn’t mean to induce more paranoia, but I really think the worst consequence of adults not being there would rather be kids getting into a fight over whose turn was it on the swings.

  19. Bonnie April 12, 2010 at 10:11 pm #

    Devil’s advocate here: Isn’t it possible that the *reason* there are fewer crimes against children these days, is because parents are more protective?

  20. Shauna April 12, 2010 at 10:31 pm #

    It’s not “paranoia” to be wary of the genuine threat of predators and take appropriate measures to minimize the risk of me or my kids being victimized. That’s rational, reasonable behavior.

  21. shortylion April 12, 2010 at 10:42 pm #

    Bonnie, crime has gone down across the board, not just against children, so it’s not because parents are more paranoid that there are less crimes against children; there’s just less crime, period.

  22. EV April 12, 2010 at 10:44 pm #

    We’re game! I may even let the boys bike to the park by themselves and tell them not to come home ’til dark.

  23. Keith April 12, 2010 at 11:09 pm #

    I’m sick of people like Omaha trying to take the moral high ground on this issue, as they issue forth a generation of soft, flabby, whiny, dependant young adults who are incapable of contributing anything to this world because their parents wouldn’t let them grow up. I’m willing to bet that Omaha has no problem with ferrying her children all over the place instead of letting them walk, even though statistically the chances of them being killed in a motor vehicle accident greatly outweigh the chances of them being abducted and killed by a stranger. Classical liberal was dead on in her comments, and Yes Omaha your voice is somewhat shrill !

  24. dahlia April 12, 2010 at 11:15 pm #

    the apt complex i live in is the “nice” one next to a, well, slightly ghetto-y one that we sometimes cut through on the way to a playground, and i’ve noticed that this one always has packs of roving children making up games in the courtyards. there is one courtyard in MY complex that seems to have several children living off it, because they’re always out there mucking around in the dirt. no parents in sight, though i suspect they’re in their apartments keeping an ear out, and yesterday, i actually saw a grandmother come out on the balcony and holler “ma RIIIIIII aaaaa … ” in that time-for-dinner callout voice that i remember so well! i got such a pang of nostalgia and hoped maria had been having fun. when my daughter reaches school age, i hope we’re in a community where the kids run about making up games, waiting for the dinner callout. that’s what i’ll be looking for, anyway, when my lease is up.

  25. Alana M April 12, 2010 at 11:16 pm #

    I’ve tried to get my kid’s friend’s parents to stand 50 yards away from the playground, instead of hovering over the playground. It didn’t work – so I think I’m on my own for this.

  26. Wendy April 12, 2010 at 11:26 pm #

    Children around where I live do this every day. It’s known as playing out. Not all UK parents formally organise every waking hour of their children.

  27. Emily April 12, 2010 at 11:27 pm #

    That’s wonderful! My child is not school aged (he’s not even walking), but that might be a nice park day anyway!

  28. Alexicographer April 12, 2010 at 11:30 pm #

    Great idea. My toddler really is too little to be left by himself, but maybe I’ll make 4/22 the day I remember (as I keep intending to do) to bring a book with me to the playground so I can more clearly communicate the point that he needs to entertain himself.

  29. wendy young April 12, 2010 at 11:31 pm #

    Yea! Sign me up. I will even let my seven year old bike to the park with a friend by themselves!

  30. pentamom April 12, 2010 at 11:55 pm #

    “It’s not “paranoia” to be wary of the genuine threat of predators and take appropriate measures to minimize the risk of me or my kids being victimized. That’s rational, reasonable behavior.”

    But it may be paranoia to consider things appropriate and reasonable and rational and necessary that aren’t actually even helpful, to reduce risks that don’t really exist in the particular form that’s feared. That’s the point.

    This idea should definitely only be used by people whose kids know how to appropriately cope with being sent/left on their own. But realistically, nobody who’s helicoptered their kids up to now is going to read this article and throw their kids to the winds anyway, right?

  31. Kate April 12, 2010 at 11:56 pm #

    Bummer 🙁 I’d love to participate but at the grand old age of 13 months my son will be a little too young this year.

  32. adriennebreaux April 12, 2010 at 11:57 pm #

    Yes! I love it! I always used to go to the park a few blocks away, amuse myself for hours, then come home when it got dark! There was never any question of my safety. I bet all the kids will be just fine, and probably learn a lot of great lessons in making friends.


  33. Kate April 13, 2010 at 12:23 am #

    Just to clarify – the most likely hypothesis for the drop in crime is not the new societal levels of paranoia somehow making people safer – especially since we seem to reserve that paranoia for the most unlikely circumstances (rather than the likely – like your kids dying in the car on their way somewhere with you).

    Rather, the likely reason has to do with a demographic shift. In the 80’s, when crime peaked, the largest demographic block were between 20-40 years old. ( Now, not all crimes are committed by 20-40 year olds, but it is a well documented truth that criminal offenses decline with age, for whatever reason. (

    Sexual assault of minors included – despite the popular image of the ‘dirty old man’ three quarters of assaults on minors are by young men. But our population of young men is smaller subset of the total population now than it was in the 80s (when I was a child), and so the sorts of crimes young men are more prone to committing are also lowered.

    Anyone else read all those news stories a week or two ago, when the crime stats for the last year came out and everyone was surprised to see that the recession did not cause an increase in property crime? Credit was claimed by all sorts of groups but I would note that 50 year old men do not go out carjacking to make ends meet.

  34. Kate April 13, 2010 at 12:25 am #

    Incidentally – I’ll take my 5 yo and 2 yo to the park that day. They’re too young to be left on their own (more for fear of running into traffic than predators!!) but I’ll bring a book and sit on the sidelines, as I usually do. 🙂

  35. Steve April 13, 2010 at 1:22 am #


    Great Idea – Lenore.

    1.) I wonder if this idea will bring you more publicity for “encouraging irresponsible parenting?”

    2.) You can usually tell who comments on this blog who has NOT read your book. Come on, folks, buy the book, and then pass it on to friends, school administrators and board members, and helicopter parents you meet in the park or at school.

  36. neener April 13, 2010 at 2:12 am #

    We’re IN!!!

    My daughter (10) tells her friends’ parents that she’s a Free Range Kid. (T-SHIRTS, Lenore, we need T-SHIRTS!) Then when they ask what that means, she tells them to call me. Yeah, most of them are appalled…but I have made a couple of solid converts!

    And now we have a pack of girls & boys, all around 8-10, riding their bikes all over the neighborhood, watching out for each other, and reminding each other when the street lights are about to come on. 🙂

  37. Stephanie A. Richer, Esq. April 13, 2010 at 2:19 am #

    I just posted about your book on my legal blog. Chica, your message rocks!

    Let me start by saying I am a family law attorney. Your book was recommended to me by a former client (a Dad who was falsely accused of sexual molestation of his son and for whom I eventually exposed the lies and got him full custody – Mom coached the kid, but it is a long story), who had the book recommended to him by his child’s therapist. I read it and LOVED it. And, as I pointed out to my husband, “Honey, we’re not slacker parents! We’re actually doing it right!”

    May 22nd will be just another day for me – because I already kick my kids out of the house. My husband and I spent the money to live in a “nice” neighborhood. Not wealthy and within close proximity to what someone might term the “barrio” – but, “nice.” Right behind our house, within shouting distance of the back door, is a park . . . oh hell yeah, the kids get sent there to play, get dirty, etc.

    We have to be rational, folks. Yes, we have to keep our children safe, but we also have to raise them to become self-sufficient BECAUSE MOST OF THIS TIME ON EARTH THEY ARE ADULTS. I point that out to my clients when I see them getting unnecessarily crazy regarding custody.

  38. Mrs. H. April 13, 2010 at 2:44 am #

    Great idea, but my child is only 22 months old, so if anyone is reading this in Brooklyn and has a responsible at-least-9-year-old who will supervise her at the park for the day, please swing by. I’ll pack a lunch. Sorry it won’t be organic!

    Hey–does Izzy babysit???

  39. tgrass April 13, 2010 at 3:16 am #

    I just spoke with a representative from the Arizona Child Protective Services and they would initiate an investigation if my five year old was walking down my block alone.

  40. Dot Khan April 13, 2010 at 3:23 am #

    Taking action by setting an example to others is far better than for us to just agree with each other on the FRK site.
    In marketing, one key is to try to think like your target audience and not like an insider from a company or group.
    For this to catch on it may need a shorter, catchier name directed towards the average parent.
    Freedom Day sounds too political and is already taken.
    Free Range Kids Day can work, but may be interpreted by those that aren’t regulars here to sound like self promotion.

    We have a month to prepare and get the word out on this.

  41. nancy April 13, 2010 at 3:30 am #

    Curious what age people (who plan to participate or already do this) think is appropriate for kids to be at the park alone. My kids are only 5 and 2. Considering the distance to our park (10 blocks), and a busy street to cross… I think I’ll wait til my son is 7 or 8. I’d be fine letting him go around the corner to play at the school’s playground with friends, though. I can hear them shouting from my backyard. 🙂

  42. pentamom April 13, 2010 at 3:54 am #

    “I just spoke with a representative from the Arizona Child Protective Services and they would initiate an investigation if my five year old was walking down my block alone.”

    I find that very hard to believe. I don’t find it hard to believe that you were told so, but I find it hard that to believe that they would actually DO that. That may be a threat to try to influence your behavior, but something tells me that a social worker on the way to an abuse investigation isn’t going to go out of his way to stop and initiate something because he sees a child walking down the street.

  43. omahacheapthrills April 13, 2010 at 3:57 am #

    Let me clarify. First, the name is CT, not Omaha. Keith, you don’t even know me, and your comments are so incredibly off base of who I am and what I do! I am the biggest proponent of not carting my kids around ad nauseum, of not coddling them, of holding them responsible, teaching independence, and of not letting our society turn into the spineless, wimpy, impolite little snots that I see all around us. So stop flaming, please, dear Keith.

    My point was that if you haven’t been doing this kind of activity (taking your children to the park and leaving them there all day) already, then your children aren’t prepared, and doing that would be irresponsible parenting. The article advocates just “DOING IT.” I disagree. And I really disagree with someone advocating that others drop their kids off in this manner (unprepared) and leave them to fend or be another adult’s responsibility. The article does not even mention that children should be practiced and prepared, just told to “have fun, make friends and don’t leave with anyone.” That is irresponsible.

    My kids do venture responsibly to our park, but they have been taught responsiblity, safety, and caution. So many other kids have not had that, and I can surely see trouble if their parents did as the article promotes.

    After seeing the author *scream* on Fox News this weekend, I don’t really care to buy her book. I already know the concept, agree and disagree with various points. Enjoy your week, folks!

  44. tgrass April 13, 2010 at 4:05 am #


    It does not require a social worker to initiate an investigation. Any overly-concerned stranger can make a phone call resulting in my home being investigated for neglect.

    I am not suggesting this should keep one from letting a child run amok. I intend to go to the police department this afternoon and have someone sign a statement telling me how far and for how long a (insert age here) year old child is allowed to leave one’s parent.

    But Arizona CPS is that Orwellian.

  45. Tom N. April 13, 2010 at 4:07 am #

    You should make a CalDav- style link thingy so that people can click on it and have it automatically added to their calendars!

  46. Julie April 13, 2010 at 4:11 am #

    Since my little guy is only nine months old he won’t be able to participate yet…but in a few years and once he learns to swim (we have a deep pond behind our house) I’m sure he’ll be out running around the neighborhood getting dirty and having fun!!

    We love our neighborhood though, cause it’s small and the people are involved and everyone has met most of their neighbors. We even have a community email group to give each other a heads up if we see suspicious behaviour or if there are people out trying to sell stuff door to door. I will have no problem letting my little guy be free range in a few years.

  47. Steffj89 April 13, 2010 at 4:19 am #

    This reminds me of the story where the woman was arrested for leaving her sleeping kids in the car while she stepped less than 25 feet away to drop a letter in a postal box. People have gone crazy. And I hate to say it but I do believe that CPS would investigate in many cases if they ssaw a 5 y/o walking down the street alone. I had a county cop stop @ my house and ENTER my house w/ out knocking because he saw my blazer running in my front yard with the kids in carseats. Now the rest of the story was they were watching a movie and I was simply unloading the groceries before I had to run back to town to meet a friend. I knew I wasnt going to be at the house more than 10 minutes total and they were happy and safe while I did what I needed to do.
    The kids were not scared or unhappy at all until the damn cop scared them because they didnt know he was there.
    Afterwards it took me 20 minutes to calm them down because he frightened them so.
    I told him that I felt he was out of line coming in my home without bothering to announce his presence and that I really didnt undersstand why he stopped.

  48. tgrass April 13, 2010 at 4:38 am #


    Sorry to harp on it, but Arizona (not sure of other states) has a 10% substantiation rate on CPS reports. 90% of reports of abuse/neglect are unsubstantiated.

  49. crossgirl April 13, 2010 at 4:47 am #

    I love, love, love, love, love this. If there were enough participants, what could CPS do?

  50. LetThemBe April 13, 2010 at 5:14 am #

    Omaha, omahacheapthrills, whatever you’re calling yourself, you’re shrill. And condescending. Greater Nebraska is unimpressed.

    In fact, I think you may be one of the parents I encounter at our local park who insists on getting INTO THE SANDPILE with her grade-school kid and mommying any other child present as if someone had asked you to. I sure didn’t, I feel sorry for your timid friendless kid, and I’m amused as anything that my seven-year-old decided to start telling your daughter fart jokes at the top of his lungs (to your visible annoyance). Suggest you confine yourself to the reading benches and let the kids work out their own social dynamic, mmkay?

  51. omahacheapthrills April 13, 2010 at 5:22 am #

    Let it be, LetThemBe. You’re really off base.

  52. Stephanie A. Richer, Esq. April 13, 2010 at 5:32 am #

    May I offer this? Raising a child to be independent does not mean that safety issues are disregarded. Obviously, if your child is too young, you are not going to allow them to go to the park alone. It seems to me reading the criticism here (for this post and others) that those against free-range childrearing believe it to be an “all-or-nothing” deal, and support Ms. Skenazy’s argument that their risk assessment is not reasonable.

    But I will say this, as a family law attorney – make sure that you and the child’s other parent are of like mind on certain issues if you are in the midst of a divorce or have a contentious ex. Unfortunately, I have seen tiny things – such as a child getting Kraft macaroni-and-cheese for dinner – turn into an ugly and very expensive argument before a judge. Most judges are pretty rational but there is the risk of a judge having watched too many “Law and Order” episodes.

    BTW, here in CA, judges are regularly rotated, which means you coulkd end up with a judge who has practiced only civil litigation for construction contracts and has never been married or been a parent suddenly deciding your custody case. Have I seen a judge award 50/50 custody for a nursing 2-month-old? Yup. So could you get someone clueless who thinks a 14-year-old could not possibly be left alone in their home overnight? Yup.

  53. Nicola April 13, 2010 at 7:06 am #

    Egads… stop flaming people! Wow! Omaha/CT didn’t say she’d hover – she made a point that there ARE kids out there who don’t have the capability to go “cold turkey” to the park alone because they don’t have the smarts built up to do that. They haven’t been allowed outside in increments in order to understand common sense… it’s what we harp on a LOT on this site. Omaha/CT – the only reason there was a flare up is just that your initial post did come off a little terse. No big deal, it happens (I’ve had it happen to me a couple of times). It’s all good.

    With the 5-y-o walking alone, I can’t say I’d let a 5-y-o go that far – depending on where the park is. The nearest park for us is behind my kids’ school – three-quarters to a mile away and they have to walk beside a road in the median since there’s no sidewalk. While I feel my children at 8 and 9 can handle this – not at 5. But – again – it depends on where and how far.

  54. Nicky April 13, 2010 at 8:26 am #

    Oh come on. Any parent who is clueless enough to blindly follow the advice of a website without first thinking about whether or not it is appropriate for their child has more important problems to work out.

  55. Alexicographer April 13, 2010 at 9:08 am #

    CT — Eh. Like the idea or don’t like the idea, but Lenore didn’t advocate taking your kids to the park and leaving them all day; her post explicitly mentions the possibility that it’s just for 30 minutes. (Also, Nicky: I’m with you).

  56. Dawn April 13, 2010 at 9:21 am #

    I can’t play that game; my kids are too old for that. So, in June I’m playing another version: boot the kids (separately, different countries, different times) off to Europe. Child #1 will be joining her boyfriend, who has spent the year in Europe, will spend 3 weeks going around with him, staying in hotels and hostels, and, I hope, having a great time. Just before she comes home, Child #2 will leave for 6 weeks study abroad program.

    But, my kids were free range. They rode their bikes to friends’ houses, went to the park and played by themselves, walked to school (even in bad weather…Uphill! Both Ways! In 6 feet of Snow!…LOL) So now I am working on letting them be free range adults. (Inside I’m thinking…Europe? My kids? I WANNA GO TOOOOOOOO!!!!!)

  57. Julie April 13, 2010 at 9:48 am #

    I just asked my kids what park they want to be left at and they said, “Disneyland”! So, I hope Disney doesn’t mind. Do you think they’ll pick them up at the airport?

  58. pentamom April 13, 2010 at 10:23 am #

    And again, it strains the imagination that any parent who previously hadn’t taught their children to fend for themselves in public is going to drop off their kids at the park just because Lenore says so. So between that, and Nicky’s point that anyone who did would have serious issues anyway, the advice seems superfluous.

    Okay, I’ll concede that AZ CPS is overzealous and I certainly can imagine that it’s possible. I’ve never been inclined to give CPS departments credit for being reasonable. However, what the person who spoke to AZ CPS said was that if a child was walking down the block alone “they would initiate an investigation.” Not “would, if someone complained,” but “would would initiate an investigation if my five year old was walking down my block alone.” And again, overzealous or not, I’m guessing they don’t go looking for kids walking alone just so they can initiate investigations.

  59. Jane C. April 13, 2010 at 10:54 am #

    My kids from the time the oldest was 5 often went to the playground near our house. I also would have a friend’s daughter 10 or so who would go play with them and earn a few dollars when I had to go to the nearby store. We never had any problems. Of course my youngest is now 28 and the oldest is 31. But you know my sister never let her kids out of her sight and catered to them in everyway. Toys activities etc. today her kids the same ages as mine are floaters, can’t hold down jobs and live off her still getting help with their celll phones and car repairs. My kids have families, good jobs and own their own homes. When our kids were little my sister often looked down on me for letting my kids get dirty and that I couldn’t afford to buy the things she did for her kids. I know I was not perfect but my kids are reasonable productive functioning adults, says something doesn’t it?

  60. Jen C April 13, 2010 at 11:52 am #

    Awesome idea. One problem: we just had an attempted abduction of a 12 year old in broad daylight today. No one’s going to sign on to this, and they’ll all look at me like I’m insane if I even mention it. I can hear it now….”What?!? Didn’t you just hear about that little girl? And you want me to leave my kid alone????”

    *Sigh* If only there was an ignorance inoculation you could give people…..

  61. gramomster April 13, 2010 at 12:11 pm #

    I love this idea, and I wish my grandson was old enough. A few more years. He’s a runner too, so he’s not the safest kid if I’m not in catching range.

    Interestingly, I’ve been transcribing my mother’s memoirs, and I just a moment ago finished the story of my younger brother’s abduction from Golden Gate Park’s Panhandle at the age of 5 (1983). That singular event (he did by the way show back up about 7 hours later, maybe more… it was a very looooong day) marked my parenting a few years later in deep, deep ways. I was very paranoid, I was hovery, I never let my kids out of my sight. My mom went on as she always had, very free range. When my husband and I moved here to Michigan, the neighborhood was full of kids, riding bikes, roller blading, going to the park. That move changed my life in a similar deep way. I held my breath and let my kids go play with the neighbor kids. They went to the park… they gained more and more freedom. In a few short years, my then-15 year old son would be riding his bike to the lakeshore (30ish miles) with a friend or two. My then-16 year old daughter (well, earlier… she had other things going on at 16) would be going to concerts downtown and even out of state with friends. They are now, at 20 and almost 18, both living independently, she on the west coast, he in town with roommates. I am so grateful for the community I moved into here. They helped me gain perspective, and become a rational parent. If we’d continued on our previous trajectory, they would probably both still be at home, afraid of their own shadows.
    So yes, abductions happen. They are scarier than anything else you can imagine as a parent or a much older sibling. But they are rare, and I’m so glad that the fear of that particular horror had taken it’s rightful place in the things I worry about. Back-burner. Very, very back-burner.

  62. Susan2 April 13, 2010 at 12:22 pm #

    @dahlia – Did you grow up in Boston? Your comment made me nostaligic for those Prince Spaghetti ads with the mom yelling “Anthony” out the window. Unlike most days, Anthony sped through all the tiny, twisted streets of Boston’s North End to get home because it was Wednesday, Prince spaghetti day. Wonder if kids even play alone on their front stoops now in that gentrified neighborhood, never mind having free rein over an entire neighborhood with thousands of residents.

  63. Jose April 13, 2010 at 2:38 pm #

    CT – What I’m curious about is what exactly are you preparing your kids to do if not fend for themselves?

    Here’s what my parents taught me: Look both ways before you cross a street; be home before dark; tell us where you’re going to be; don’t take anything from strangers…you know, the basics.

    I mean honestly, I’m curious about what it is you’re teaching them?

    Oh, and I’m not flaming, I’m just asking.

  64. sueg April 13, 2010 at 7:13 pm #

    OH, MY GOODNESS! 11 kids on that rickety metal slide! GET THEM OFF BEFORE THEY DIE! And that awful wooden sandbox–those kids are going to get splinters! And did someone cover it last night? Some feral cat probably used it as a litterbox! Those kids are gonna get a disease!

    Phew. The perils of growing up.

    I’m going to check my calendar for 5/22 right now, and make some phone calls. Safety in numbers–let the kids go with a few friends for 1/2 hour, just to try it on for size.

  65. Dean April 13, 2010 at 7:41 pm #

    Two things coming to mind after reading the comments …

    First, there seems to be an equation setting up here whereby letting kid go to park alone = raising child who will become responsible, job-holding adult. It’s not that simple. Even a parent who is more “protective” regarding outside time might do a great job encouraging independence and responsibility at home (doing chores, not being coddled). Even a parent who does let kids roam free outside might not require enough of them on the home front to instill those values so sorely needed in the adult world.

    Second, when I decide whether or not a situation is safe for my kids to be alone it actually has nothing to do with predators, and I find it odd that that seems to be the issue on most people’s minds – whether it is or isn’t of concern. What about (and some posters noted this) traffic? One of my children is a five year old who certainly knows perfectly well she SHOULDN’T wander into the streets, but she’s a dreamer and she simply doesn’t always pay attention. What about playground equipment? She’s been known to get herself stuck on the top of climbing structures. I’m not worried about her being kidnapped, but I would prefer she not break her arm or crack her head open, so if a high structure is involved, I’m going to be within earshot of her until she’s to the point where she can physically negotiate these things alone.

  66. NJMom April 13, 2010 at 8:54 pm #

    I’m not on facebook, but this seems like the perfect thing to post and send onwards! Where I live, everyday is let your children go to the park…or the corner store…or the coffee shop…or the bike jump by the railroad tracks…or the friend’s house…by yourself or with friends day. Yahoo!

  67. Dot Khan April 13, 2010 at 9:28 pm #

    @Jen C – I tend to be skeptical when hearing of ATTEMPTED abductions. Telling kids about a boogieman may stimulate their vivid imaginations and lead to the modern version of the boy who cried wolf. The local Police spend a week chasing after this false report of a woman in a Lone Ranger mask. (This is the same town mentioned in Lenore’s book about cutting down the hickory trees over a nut allergy.):
    We should consider how many ACTUAL cases in our area were from a familiar person vs a random individual driving by or from halfway across the country.

  68. Angela Vierling-Claassen April 13, 2010 at 9:39 pm #

    Since my kids are still preschool age and below, I’d love to annex this as “Let somebody else take your preschooler to the park day” or “Take somebody else’s preschooler to the park day” or even “Take your preschooler to the park already but use the time to chat with other parents or read a book day” (OK, that last one is kind of every day for me)

    I feel very fortunate that in my neighborhood I can always rely on other parents to have their eye out for all the kids, not just their own. The social norms of my neighborhood allow for lots of independent play at the park with other kids and without hovering parents. I also find that the kids keep an eye on each other, and whether my daughter is outside in the alleyway by our house or at the park, some kid will come and tell me if she needs help. I keep my eye out, but it gives you a sense of security when other folks are keep their eyes out too.

    I agree that being on your own is something we have to help kids learn to do, but I’d really like to live in a world in which we were actually helping our kids learn to navigate the world on their own, one in which the park was populated with good friends, and one in which the majority of school-age kids had the street smarts to navigate a park/playground on their own.

  69. jeanette April 13, 2010 at 9:45 pm #

    Ooops – I was early to the party and did this last weekend …although in actuality we did leave them with my 13 yr old daughter and we Bad Moms snuck off and got manicures !

  70. Lola April 13, 2010 at 10:11 pm #

    Angela: Aaaaaa-men to all you said.
    I thought the idea was to gradually build the community some people lost. Perhaps Lenore went a little too fast, but as my children are still too young, maybe I’m not the one to judge that.
    For FRK beginners, I would advise another option: what about teaching your kids your neighbours’ first names? Now, that could make some people realize they mistrust neighbours just because they don’t know them well enough, which seems to be the biggest trouble here.
    Just an idea…

  71. pentamom April 13, 2010 at 10:31 pm #

    On spaghetti and Free-Range — I remembering hearing a story of how in our city’s Little Italy, maybe 50-60 years ago, when the kids were all in one backyard and the mama in that house said the water was boiling for the pasta, all the kids would know it was time to head home and wash up. Apparently their dinnertimes were all fairly synchronized that way.

  72. stephanie April 13, 2010 at 10:34 pm #

    How exciting! If this catches on my kids with finally have someone else to play with! I am always sending them out to the park to play but they often return because there’s no one there. 🙁 At which point I tell the to entertain themselves there for a bit and maybe someone will show up.

  73. Ellen April 13, 2010 at 10:48 pm #

    First, let me start by saying that I agree with many of the free range ideals and think it is perfectly fine for a kid who is mature enough to navigate traffic, manage the monkey bars and other playground equipment on their own, won’t wander off, etc. to go to the park without an adult.

    I have a few comments:

    Jen C, wrote:

    “Awesome idea. One problem: we just had an attempted abduction of a 12 year old in broad daylight today. No one’s going to sign on to this, and they’ll all look at me like I’m insane if I even mention it. . . *Sigh* If only there was an ignorance inoculation you could give people…..”

    I wouldn’t call these people ignorant. Abductions do happen. Yes, they are rare so free rangers can generally go about their business assuming that their kid being abducted is a rare occurance.

    But if something happened in my neighborhood, I would assume the opposite. The odds are no longer in my favor. I would assume that someone who lives in or near my neighborhood – or someone who is traveling to my neighborhood and probably knows the neighborhood well — is up to know good. When abductions do happen, there does tend to be a pattern and more than one child (or woman or man as the pattern may be) are taken. So I would be more cautious in that neighborhood.

    I don’t think the abduction is something you should shrug off.

    And just to play devils advocate:

    Someone else mentioned “*Groups* of kids out on their own aren’t, and never were, particularly appealing to predators.” All predators look for the week prey that is set apart from the rest of the pack. So if your kid is the type to want to play by him/her self, or perhaps the oddball or younger kid that no one wants in on a game, he/she is a target.

    Another comment: “if a grown man was to take any of my kids by force, there’s nothing I could do to prevent that. He could knock me down just as easily…” While true, this is not usually their MO. They usually sweet talk the kids with them or grab someone who is alone.

  74. bequirox April 13, 2010 at 11:17 pm #

    I can’t find it, so you’re reading it here. The post about new book titles for helicopter parents was included in the May 2010 Reader’s Digest.

  75. pentamom April 13, 2010 at 11:42 pm #

    “First, there seems to be an equation setting up here whereby letting kid go to park alone = raising child who will become responsible, job-holding adult. It’s not that simple.”

    I doubt anyone thinks it is. This is the distinction between a “necessary” and a “sufficient” condition. A necessary condition is something that must be present in order for a situation to occur, but does not necessarily cause the situation to occur by itself. A sufficient condition is one that causes the situation to occur if it is present.

    In this case, raising your kids to function independently out in the world at younger than typical ages is claimed to be a “necessary” condition for raising them to be successful adults. No one here, and no one anywhere I’ve ever seen, has remotely suggested that it is a “sufficient” condition.

    I agree with Ellen — an actual incident in your neighborhood does change the calculation. It means that the statement “there is probably no one around here who is interested in harming your kids” moves from likely true, to definitely untrue. It’s not cause for panic, but it is definitely cause for a higher level of vigilance.

    Sure, sometimes these “attempt” stories are products of overactive imaginations. When I was in elementary school, probably second grade or so, there was a report of a “kidnapper” in the area and my walking group saw a guy walking a half-block behind us on the way home from school one day, and got scared and hurried up. One of those girls might have told her parents that she’d seen the kidnapper, when it was presumably no such thing. But sometimes, they ARE real. We had an incident a couple of months ago in this neighborhood where an 8th grade girl was grabbed by an unknown guy but was close enough to the school to break away without pursuit. Thirteen-year-olds generally don’t imagine things like that.

    The only change I’ve made because of it is to worry a little more, and only let my 12 year old daughter leave our immediate neighborhood alone on her bike, not on foot. But I certainly don’t discount it.

  76. Shayla Anthony April 13, 2010 at 11:52 pm #

    Geez people. Use common sense.

    If your kid is too little, they are too little. Start instilling the values of safety in them now though – it’s not too soon to start that.

    If your city park is too far away, don’t let your kids go alone.

    Work up to the goal of freerange kids. I agree with Omaha, that some kids just cannot be left alone cold turkey. It’s a great idea – but if they aren’t prepared, it’s a BAD idea.

    You do have to start somewhere, and this would be a great day to START. Use your best judgement and common senses…

    Just because we all did it at kids, doesn’t mean it will be exactly the same in today’s world. There are newer dangers for kids and they start at younger ages.

    This is a great idea to get a movement going to get children more independent, but if parents don’t have some common sense in this, it’s going to be disastrous.

  77. Alison S. April 14, 2010 at 12:20 am #

    Leaving kids in a park is a hard sell for the general public when OUR OWN FEDERAL GOVERNMENT explicitly advises against doing that very thing (see this page, about half way down):

    However, Uncle Sam is not just fixated on stranger danger in formulating that recommendation – that directive also weighs the risks associated with custody abductions, which are much, much, MUCH more common. But if you don’t have a custody dispute, the associated risk analysis doesn’t apply to you.

    I do like the short, succinct risk description page associated with this site (tho’ I wish its statistics were more up-to-date). It spells it all out and shows just how rare homicidal child abductors really are:

  78. Kara April 14, 2010 at 1:45 am #

    I drop off my 9 year old then watch from around the corner. She knows not to talk to strangers, and not to get into cars with people. But she’s never been in that situation, so how do I know for sure how she’ll react. I think it’s great for kids to learn how to play on their own and make friends without adult interference. It’s a great way to learn problem solving skills, and build confidence. However, I feel that parents should be aware of where there children are and who they are with. I check the sex offender registry often, and encourage parents, and teachers to do the same. Heck everyone should check. You won’t be there forever, so teach them to be independent now. Good luck and be safe!

  79. helenquine April 14, 2010 at 2:33 am #

    Ellen – I said that “*Groups* of kids out on their own aren’t, and never were, particularly appealing to predators.”

    To counter your devil’s advocacy I would say:
    You’re right that predators tend to look for the vulnerable kids. But those kids are likely to be more vulnerable in pretty much every situation – they’re more vulnerable at school, at scouts, at music lessons, at church and at home. Predators, whether they are strangers, family or authority figures will look for the child who seems easier to befriend (because, for instance, they seem lonely) and less likely to tell. Since most predators start with kids they know, it seems unlikely that your kid will be more at risk if you send them out on their own than they are in other situation.

    Though, as others have mentioned, you need to use your common sense with your own kid – if there is something about being unsupervised that makes then more likely to be the one on the outside than they are when supervised then you may need to work on some skills before you can leave them at the park. But I think that’s more because they won’t have any fun if they’re always on the outside, or being bullied. That’s an emotional toll that can also be debilitating and much more likely than being snatched by a stranger.

  80. HankTheCowdog April 14, 2010 at 2:52 am #

    Totally off topic, but as I was wrapping up my taxes last night, I saw (on p.22 of the 1040A instructions) this little gem:

    “If your child is presumed by law enforcement authorities to have been kidnapped by someone who is not a family member, you may be able to take the child into account in determining your eligibility for head of household or qualifying widow(er) filing status, the dependency exemption, the child tax credit, and the earned income credit (EIC).”

    Stranger danger is in the *tax code*.

  81. Dianne April 14, 2010 at 2:57 am #

    I let me two children walk to and from school. I back up to the school and I can see them the whole time they walk.
    yet I have the “intake” of breath when I mention to other parents that I let my children walk home. (they are 10 and 7)

    My husband doesn’t like it when I leave my daughter out front while I come into the house to grab something.

    I’m really trying to not be a helicopter parent, but society and my own husband makes me think twice. Any advice???

  82. DeadlyCyn April 14, 2010 at 3:04 am #

    I don’t know if anyone has seen this, but it goes along perfectly with this site and what *not* to do.

  83. pentamom April 14, 2010 at 3:26 am #

    I still don’t understand why people think it’s necessary or constructive to make sure we add “Now don’t try this if your kids are two years old or have never been left out of their yards alone before!”

    If a person is dumb/careless/foolish/ignorant enough to need that advice, why would you think they’d take it?

  84. Jill April 14, 2010 at 3:37 am #

    I think my wild 5 year old is not old enough to leave yet though… I don’t worry about him being taken by a stranger, I worry about him exposing himself to other children (today), getting stuck on top of the fence he shouldn’t be climbing (yesterday) or jumping from the top of the slide and having to get stitches (his best friend last week).

    Usually most of the neighborhood kids play in the backyards on our street and they just run in the house to tell me when adult intervention is needed 🙂

  85. frootbat31 April 14, 2010 at 3:42 am #

    Its not predators that I worry about- its bullies and kids who have no self discipline. I can’t tell you how often I encounter children who shove, push, kick, and worse on the playground. I once encountered a girl no older than nine or so try to shove a toddler off a slide.
    Without adults there to keep their kids in line, I simply don’t trust my own to fend for himself.

  86. Derek K. Miller April 14, 2010 at 4:14 am #

    One small change: how about “SEND our children to the park day”?

  87. Claudia Conway April 14, 2010 at 4:31 am #

    What a shame my daughter’s still way too young for this (she’s not yet two) otherwise I’d be well up for it.

    I went to several parks 10 minutes away from when I was about 7, and I cannot think of a single reason that it’s somehow more dangerous to do so now than it was 25 years ago. Except maybe for the danger of some busybody marching your child home and accusing you of neglecting your child.

    Anyway, I did actually run into a pervert once, when I was 13 – a naked man lying in the grass. But I thought, I walked away, rang the police when I got home and escaped without suffering lifelong mental scarring.

  88. Ellen April 14, 2010 at 4:32 am #


    You make some good points.

    The overall point of my original message was to caution against blanket assumptions. Just as there are people who say “OMG! You let your child do what?!? THEY COULD BE ABDucted and KILLED!!!” There seem to be a small number here who appear to say that there are no problems, regardless of the particular circumstances.

    While stranger danger is rare, if something happened in my neighborhood, it may be more likely to happen again so I would definately exercise more caution. While being in a group is often protection, it is not if your kid is the likely one to be left out. ( And predators do not necessarily mean a stranger; the local bully is one too.)

    Also, I have to agree with Derek, “SEND our children to the park” sounds much better. If we are trying to win over the masses, we don’t want to sound like we are trying to get rid of our kids. 🙂

  89. fighting for my children April 14, 2010 at 5:09 am #

    I just posted a link to this page on fb. I must be bad, I already send my 10 and 11 yr old to the park and they walk the whole way there together!

  90. Claudia Conway April 14, 2010 at 6:58 pm #

    To the person who commented about ‘Don’t expect me to take responsibility for your child’… isn’t that one of the big problems with society now? Not that there are paedophiles behind every privet, but that people don’t want to ‘accept responsibility’ for others, and see it as a chutzpah that it could ever be asked of them. This is the primary thing that has made children less safe and it’s also contributed to this awkwardness between parents where they feel they have to hang around at other parents’ houses on playdates, rather than just leaving their kids there, because they fear they’ll be seen as ‘taking advantage’ of free childcare, rather than letting children enjoy their own friendships free of parental hovering.

    Most of the ‘responsibility’ that civil society places on individuals for ones another is hardly onerous – it should be natural and simple. But the culture of blame has helped destroy the bonds of trust essential to this. We need to trust parents to have made a reasoned risk assessment based on their knowledge of their own child and their local environment, rather than wagging the finger at them or harping on about ‘neglect’ or ‘anything could happen!’

  91. Jennifer in MamaLand April 14, 2010 at 10:08 pm #

    Hmm… “If your city park is too far away, don’t let your kids go alone.”

    How about, “if you live in a city and the nearest park is too far away for your kids to get to… MOVE!” :-)))

    Between schools and city parks, we are blessed with literally FIVE parks within easy walking distance. A couple more slightly farther afield.

    I realize not everybody is this lucky, but is it really luck? “Close to parks, schools, etc” used to be a real estate cliché but now that parents are driving kids everywhere, perhaps it’s one we’re overlooking in our haste to get out of cities.

    I’d rather have a smaller home (we do) close to a park (or five), than a mega-home in a new suburb with one park too far away to walk. Parks in new suburbs tend to have lousy tree cover, too. 🙂

  92. travelingpoor April 14, 2010 at 11:55 pm #

    Love it ! I’m in Australia, in a city and a suburb with a very low crime rate, and I never see children unaccompanied in the park, and if they were, someone would probably call the cops on the parents.
    I love your blog, I already raise free range kids in a big family, and I know it is good for them.
    We travel a lot too, you can read all about our scary free range escapades on there.
    Good Work !

  93. Robin April 15, 2010 at 1:57 am #

    Claudia – Bravo! Part of the problem with kids today (now I sound like my mom, ugh) is the lack of respect for adults. When I was a kid, if ANY adult saw us doing somthting wrong we got yelled at. God help you if they knew your parents because they would tell on you. Now we’re all afraid to repremand other people’s kids because if the parents find out they’ll yell at you.

  94. Jen Connelly April 15, 2010 at 2:06 am #

    I think we will do this. Although, kids alone at the park is not an odd sight around here. There are kids out all over the place. My big worry is mostly pushy kids. The playground equipment isn’t the safest. I was just there yesterday and one swing is completely broken as is the chain ladder. The playground is right next to the local public school and when school gets out the place is packed with 50+ kids between the ages of 5 and 12, most without parents (either they are alone or being watched by older siblings).
    Yesterday I was there picking my 4yo up from preschool (she goes to school at the park in their little field house) and I saw my 7yo at the playground with her Girl Scout troop so we went to say high. There were at least 40 kids in the park from toddler age up to middle school and about 10 or 12 adults (those were the ones with the toddlers and the preschoolers that just got out of class, also the 2 troop leaders and a group of parents that were obviously watching a large group of kids…they had boxes of snacks but just sat on the edge and chatted).
    When I got home my older 2 kids (9 1/2 and 8 1/2) were outside on the sidewalk doing their homework and talking to the neighbors huge dog while he cut his grass. They spent the rest of the day outside playing with their friends.

    When the weather is nice like this and the other kids in the neighborhood are out I rarely see my kids. They spend every moment outside (at least my younger 3, my oldest hates being outside). In the summer I kick them out the door after breakfast and tell them not to come back until lunch (they never listen, though, lol). Only the 4yo isn’t allowed out alone. She has to have at least one sibling with her so she can’t wait for them to get home from school in the spring.

    And we had one of those near abductions in our neighborhood recently. The kids brought a flyer home from school last month. A young girl was almost grabbed by a guy in a green car a couple miles from our house. It prompted a long talk about what to do if someone tries to grab them or get them in the car, etc. But nothing changed. The next morning they waved bye to me as they walked off to school on their own (4th, 2nd and 1st grades). The school is 3 1/2 blocks away around the corner. They’ve been walking on their own for months now. Unfortunately the school doesn’t agree with my opinion that they are capable of walking. They don’t allow k-4th grade to leave without an approved adult picking them up so I have to walk to the school every day to get them. Drives me nuts.

  95. Marie April 15, 2010 at 5:53 am #

    Leaving young children alone at the park is just plain stupid. Yes, children may have the skills to be self reliant, but you are taking a chance that is too great. There are many child predators out there who are waiting for parents like you to do something stupid like this. Go to the missing childrens website or turn on the news and get a splash of reality.

  96. Susan WB April 15, 2010 at 6:34 am #


    Please, must we say it again? Really? The world is no less safe now than it was when we were children. In FACT it is safer – there is less crime generally, and less crime perpetrated on children.

    Most missing kids are abducted by family members (esp. estranged parents). Stranger abduction, while horrific, is extremely rare. And, it has been a fact of reality for thousands of years and will probably never go away, but it is no worse now than it ever has been in the history of human society. People are just more aware of it and thus more afraid of it now.

    So now we can’t let our kids go to the park alone? Nonsense. We all played in the park by ourselves as children, and we were actually in greater danger than our kids are now… and would you really have preferred to have been cooped up at home all those days and years like some kind of dog in a kennel? To keep you “safe”? I don’t think so. I sure as heck wouldn’t have.

  97. Sky April 15, 2010 at 7:09 am #

    You might want to check your CPS guidelines before dropping your kid off unsupervised at the local park. In my county, CPS guidelines call it “child neglect” to leave a child under the age of 7 unattended for ANY period of time ANYwhere (including your own backyard). One county over, the age is under 9. Yeah, I’m paranoid…about having CPS called on me. So, no thanks on this one. Although I do allow my kids to play in my backyard, despite the guidelines. And with the neighbor kids in their backyards and their front yards. Unless we neighbors are all simultaneously going to call CPS on each other, I think I’ll be fine with that.

    “crime has gone down across the board, not just against children, so it’s not because parents are more paranoid that there are less crimes against children; there’s just less crime, period.”

    I’ve heard this argument repeated here many times, but I’m not sure how logical it is. Adults in general (parents included) are more paranoid (or, if you prefer, cautious) than in the past, about their children and themselves. It seems likely that this caution has contributed at least partially to the decrease in crime against both children and adults. It is simply logical that if children are rarely unsupervised, there will not be as many opportunites for crime against them. Stranger crime against children is rare, of course, both now and in the past, but I don’t think there are any fewer predators now than in the past; there is, however, less opportunity than in the past. If crime against children has decreased, then a reduction in opportunity is a perfectly logical contributor that should not be ruled out. This does not mean that I don’t support allowing more freedom to my children than is currently fashionable, it just means that I like to be logical…and I think we have to admit that helecoptering probably has at least *contributed* (not been the primary cause of, but certainly contributed) to the general reduction in crime. Not all bad trends have all bad outcomes. There are good and bad side effects of almost anything.

  98. Uly April 15, 2010 at 11:22 am #

    It is simply logical that if children are rarely unsupervised, there will not be as many opportunites for crime against them.

    Except that most crime against children, now and in the past, occurs by the people who are ostensibly supervising them, doesn’t it?

  99. GrannyPants April 15, 2010 at 2:37 pm #

    This is a great subject! I actually talk about this in my book in several chapters; especially in regards to our children’s emotional and social maturity.

    Children these days do not have the social confidence when every friendship they have is pre-arranged through the “play date.”

    I propose safe zones, block by block as a neighborhood watch so-to-say, so adults are aware of what children are doing without the kids actually seeing them constantly, to give them some independence in who they visit and play with in their neighborhoods or on their blocks.

    I also have a fantasy of huge, fenced FREE SPACES with incognito security on the periphery so kids can play in the woods, trees, etc. safely without adults around. 3-5 acre lots of FREE SPACE for kids to be kids without the worry or hovering.

    Unfortunately, the predators are out there so instead of overcompensating and denying our children their real and basic needs, we need to create safe spaces so they can still be outside and socialize.

    In the US, we tend to isolate further and further inward out of fear instead of standing tall and facing things head on. Our children are suffering terribly from all of this fear-based behavior.

  100. helenquine April 15, 2010 at 2:49 pm #

    GrannyPants – “Unfortunately, the predators are out there” what do you mean when you say this? Because one of the themes of this site is that they aren’t any more out there today than they were 40 years ago.

    3 – 5 acres of space with “security on the periphery” sounds quite odd to me – though it’s not entirely clear what you mean by this. How would it be different from a wood or park?

  101. not a finn April 16, 2010 at 4:05 am #

    There isn’t a “park” in my town. (The town is so tiny there isn’t even a church. Unless you consider our biker bar a house of worship.)

    I am considering expanding my son’s boundaries, though. He has proven himself capable of dealing with our unfenced front yard, scrupulously avoiding passing cars… I think he could handle being allowed to ride his bike a little further down the road to play with the neighbor kids. They’re about his age.

    I’d need to get him a watch so he would know when to come home, though.

  102. dmd April 16, 2010 at 9:43 pm #

    GrannyPants, would you consider a school – where there is security (incognito or not) and fenced play areas safe? Because that is just one area where kids have been preyed upon by child molesters. How about your backyard, with your cousin keeping an eye on them? Again, kids have been molested in this sort of situation.

    My point is that you can’t keep kids from harm by having “someone” watch them every minute. Supposing you did create this big park. How do you know that this security staff you hire won’t be the molesters? If the security is by other parents, how do you know one of them won’t molest?

    I’m not trying to scare anyone. The point is that you have to give your kids the tools to deal with life. They need to know what to watch out for, what to do if something bad happens. Our kids aren’t zoo animals we can put in a cage (however big) and watch. There are bad things out there. But there are good things, too, and we need to let them experience those good things and learn how to prevent or deal with the bad things.

  103. Melissa April 19, 2010 at 10:18 am #

    i do agree with this idea because just about everychild in my community does this anyways. I also agree that kids need some freedom and should be taught to look for dangers such as traffic etc. but yes there are children who should not be left unattended (i know a few personally ) I cannot let my 5 year old go to the park as it is too far away but i do let him play outside around my house and plus this community is a fairly tight knit community and everyone knows everyone and would look out for any suspicious activity. we actually have a program called neiborhood watch. But i can understand where some parents are coming from because yes it is very scary to think of anything happening to your kids and all of the stories on tv and in newspapers dont help but as was said before how will they learn responsible “outside” skills needed in this world as kids and as adults if we dont teach them. And i am sure there is plenty of info on the internet or in books on how to teach a young child if needed the “Safety “skills they need.

  104. Annie April 19, 2010 at 5:59 pm #

    Great idea! Nice pictures. They are so cute!

  105. southcitymom April 19, 2010 at 7:06 pm #

    You’re my hero!

    Though, thankfully, this idea is not so radical in my little corner of the world (Marietta, GA). Yesterday after church, my 7 and 9 year old boys ate lunch and then disappeared into the yards and woods of our neighborhoods to play with friends. They didn’t land back home again for good until 6 p.m. – though ever now and again they would pop by with some other free ranger children for a drink or a popsicle or to jump on the tramp.

    I appreciate your taking up the public mantle for the many many parents who are not terrified to let their kids have happy, healthy, independent childhoods! Rock on!

  106. vanyali April 19, 2010 at 10:40 pm #

    If you do this with a 7-year-old in Maryland, you will be breaking the law. Child Protective Services can then come and investigate you as a neglectful parent. They can go to your work and your kid’s school and tell everyone they can find that you’re under investigation, leaving them to imagine that you’re burning your kids with cigarettes.

    Children here may not be left on their own, anywhere, for any length of time, until they are 8 years old. Someone younger than 8 must be left with a babysitter (or whatever) who is at least 13 years old.

    Want to leave your 6 year old with your 12 year old to play in your front yard while you run to the corner store? If you’re here in Montgomery County, your neighbors will rat you out, CPS will knock on your door and threaten you. No kidding.

  107. SKL April 21, 2010 at 11:08 am #

    Hm. My kids are 3 so I am pretty sure I’d get in legal trouble if I left them at the park and anything happened. Plus, they would whip my butt (figuratively) themselves.

    They are old enough now to do their own thing without close supervision, so what I do is take a brisk walk around the paths and such. They know they can find me if they need me, and vice versa, but I finally get a chance to do something for my own health.

  108. Myriam April 21, 2010 at 9:00 pm #

    I think this post addresses an important point and a catch-22 situation. In order for children to be left to play more unsupervised perhaps requires lots of parents to let go simultaneously. Letting my son out to play by himself when he is the only one doing so would to some extent be pointless, unfun and, yes, possibly dangerous.

    This was something that struck me about the British programme “Hop Skip and Jump” about children’s outdoors play that aired on UK television last year: the sheer NUMBERS of children in some of the footage from the 1950s and 60s. There were streets that ressembled school playgrounds, children as far as the eye could see in some shots! The children appeared to own their environment.

  109. vanyali April 21, 2010 at 10:02 pm #

    Well, I don’t know if I would want hoards of screaming kids “owning” the street. Busy playground is good, but endless screaming outside my window? No thanks.

  110. Myriam April 22, 2010 at 12:26 am #

    You’d have to see the footage to know what I was talking about. A completely different world…sadly.

  111. Joie April 23, 2010 at 5:45 am #

    Hey Lenore,
    I love this! My kids can’t wait for this day! I have also posted about May 22nd on my blog as well, linking back to you of course.

    I also just wanted to let you know that I am so very happy that I am a Free Range Parent with Free Range Kids.
    Yesterday, I had to leave my kiddos with my neighbor while I went to an unplanned doctor appointment. She planned on riding bikes with them and taking them up to the park. All fine and dandy with me. She told them to get their bikes out of the garage, close it and bring their bikes and themselves to her house (they are more than capable of doing so and she lives right next door). However, there was a miscommunication. As my kids got their bikes out, they realized they could not see my neighbor anymore. They looked briefly out front and out in our back yard into her yard and couldn’t see her. So my son, not sure what is going on other than he knows he can’t see our neighbor and seems to have disappeared, gathered his bike and his sister’s back into the garage and came in the house to call me. He told me the situation and I reminded him of the things he needed to do. He did them with me on the line. After that, I then called my neighbor and she explained the situation and that my kiddos misunderstood. Everything turned out just fine and they all made it to the park on their bikes. I must say I was never happier that I have been doing the right thing in training my children for situations like this. I was never more assured that it is actually all sinking in and that my 7.5 year old son is able to keep his wits about him and remember the proper procedures we have gone over. We have awhile to go yet before I will be comfortable leaving him home alone, but I know more than ever that we are on the right path. 🙂

  112. Hell to the NO April 23, 2010 at 6:25 am #

    In the 60’s and 70 they had the places call asylums for the “Criminally Insane” Today 1 in 4 people in the park is a predator. 3 Sex offenders live in my neighborhood, As long as these weirdo’s have free range. I will continue to be old fashion and see that my 12 year old daughter has a proper escort.

  113. stephanie April 23, 2010 at 6:27 am #

    I came across this article that has a visual of how far kids used to get to go on their own and just wanted to share it with everyone.

  114. stephanie April 23, 2010 at 6:34 am #

    @ vanyali, Thanks for the info. I’ve been looking at moving out of CA…anywhere but Ca. I’ll make sure to scratch Maryland of the list of possible places. My kindergartner is 6 and starting in the fall when she is in 1st grade she will walk to school with her big brother who is 9. I hardly consider that child endangerment. I don’t think I would leave them home alone just yet though but a stroll to the park is by far closer than the school…

  115. Hell to the NO April 23, 2010 at 6:47 am #

    Children should be able to play outdoors, go hiking, camping, gardening, horseback riding, make mud pies and get dirty. However, I wouldn’t leave them in a potentially harmful environment, like dropping them off in Golden Gate or Central Park. People need to use their common sense based on their own environment.

  116. stephanie April 23, 2010 at 6:59 am #

    Not all sex offenders are child predators or even truly sexual predators. The Registry is very flawed at telling parents the nature of the offense. That doesn’t me we shouldn’t be aware and prepare our children. We can teach our children about these predators and even use the registry to show and tell our kids who to avoid.

    Here are some statistics on child sexual abuse…
    It’s more likely to be happening within your own home or at your neighbors house than down the street at the park.

    “Even within the walls of their own homes, children are at risk for sexual abuse:

    * 30-40% of victims are abused by a family member. (2, 44, 76)
    * Another 50% are abused by someone outside of the family whom they know and trust.
    * Approximately 40% are abused by older or larger children whom they know. (1, 44)
    * Therefore, only 10% are abused by strangers. ”


  117. anonymouseducator April 23, 2010 at 7:09 am #

    I think it’s a fantastic idea:

  118. web design April 25, 2010 at 12:52 am #

    我不同意這個主意,因為差不多 everychild在我的社區,這是否不管怎麼說。我也同意,孩子們需要一些自由,並應教導尋找危險,如交通等,但肯定有一些孩子誰不應該被單獨留在家中(我知道一些個人)我不能讓我5歲去公園因為它實在是太遙遠,但我讓他在外面玩加在我的房子和這個社會是一個相當緊密結合的社群,大家都知道,並會留意任何可疑活動。我們其實有一個程序叫neiborhood手錶

  119. Jenn April 29, 2010 at 8:42 am #

    I let my kids play outside unsupervised… but in our fenced-in backyard (my kids are 8, 4, and 2). Our 8 year old is allowed to play in the front yard by himself and ride his bike on the street (because he’s old enough to not run out in front of a car), but not towards the highway, and only with a group of friends. Our street is short and I can look out the window to check on him anytime. I’m sorry, but as much as the statistics say that crimes are down, a lot of that is because people are more cautious OVERALL and educated OVERALL about how to prevent becoming a victim. I believe that for crimes against children the drop has to be at least in part due to supervising our kids more to a certain degree. As they get older, and learn more about the world, they are able to accept more responsibility. I can’t advocate being like my neighbor who lets her 2 year old daughter run up and down the street with no shoes on and momma nowhere in site, or the other neighbor who lets her 3 and 4 year olds bounce on the un-screened in trampoline all morning with no supervision. Guess what happened? Someone fell off, broke a bone and had NO IDEA where momma was (inside, taking a nap).

    Or what about the 13 year old in my class growing up who was allowed to ride his bike down the street (and not a busy street, I might add) that got hit by a car and spent 3 weeks in a coma before his family had to go through the agony of dealing with the fact he would never recover? If his mom had taken 3 minutes and driven him to his friend’s house instead…

    Sorry, I understand the idea of not hovering and unscripted playtime, but there’s such a thing as taking it too far. There’s a line where you go from encouraging imagination to endangering your child. Dropping them off unsupervised in a public place where you are not easily reachable crosses that line.

  120. okierivermama April 29, 2010 at 8:57 am #

    We lived on a sortof busy street in Oklahoma City about 6 blocks from a small shopping center. I totally remember riding our bikes up there ALONE when we were 10. Couldnt have been more than 10 because we bought white glitter eyeshadow. It had to be around 1981.
    The worst thing that ever happened was we got to watch the cops bust shoplifters. That was scary enough to make us never want to steal anything.

  121. sb May 3, 2010 at 6:55 am #

    I support raising children to be strong and independent as much as anyone. I want my kids to be to know how to take care of themselves when I am not there. However sobering story to think about before everyone drops off their kids on the 22nd.. When I was in grade school one of the girls 2 years ahead was abducted at park full of unsupervised children in mid day and raped in the woods next to the park. No adults were present and this girl was forced to walk to local grocery store to get help. She made the mistake of leaving her friends. I still think about Erin and how her childhood ended that day and I would rather that my children not have to experience that. Teaching kids common sense and safety doesn’t mean throwing them into the world and hoping they make it back ok like our parents did.

  122. vanyali May 3, 2010 at 11:07 pm #

    I think it’s time to bring some quantitative methods to this topic to bring things into perspective.

    To judge the risk of a day at the park against its benefits, let’s assign some values to the different possible outcomes, and then weigh those values against the probability of each coming to pass.

    Let’s concede that one possible outcome of a day in the park is, as one commenter suggested, abduction and rape. That’s pretty bad. On a scale of horribles ranging from 1 – 100, I’d say that’s about a 90.

    Another possible outcome, as another commenter suggested, is death: the kid could run out into traffic and get hit by a bus, fall off the jungle gym and break his neck, etc. I’m going to give that outcome a 100, meaning it’s an absolute worst-case scenario.

    On the other hand, keeping a kid from any sort of independent play also comes with risks. For example, the child may never learn to interact with his peers comfortably, or may get fat and develop diabetes, or both. These risks are less catastrophic, so I’m going to add them all together and give them, combined, a relatively low 25 on our scale of horribles.

    Here comes the important part. To really compare these outcomes, we have to guess how likely each is to occur. You can assign your own values and likelihoods to judge for yourself, but I’m going to throw in my guesses. I think I’m overestimating the likelihoods of the worst outcomes, but it makes the math easier.

    Possible Bad Outcomes of Day at Park:

    Abduction & rape: 1% likelihood.

    Death: 1% likelihood

    Possible Bad Outcomes of Sheltering:

    Social & physical underdevelopment: 25%

    Now here are the weighted values of these outcomes:

    Abduction/rape: 90 harm * 1% probability = 0.9

    Death: 100 harm * 1% probability = 1.0

    Underdevelopment: 25 harm * 25% probability = 6.25

    On this scale, it becomes clear that the risks of sheltering a child — not sending him to the park — is more than six times the weighted risk of letting him go.

    You can substitute your own numbers and try this yourself. Then stand back and ask yourself how you really feel about your inputs. Do you honestly believe that there is a 1 in 100 chance of catastrophic harm to a day in the park? Or that sheltering causes no harm at all? It can be easier to think about the inputs individually once you have a framework to analyze them.

    Hope this helps.

  123. koluis May 4, 2010 at 3:36 am #

    I like this content so much.Imagination is more important than knowledge.

  124. Tina May 4, 2010 at 5:30 am #

    My son is only 2, there is no way my mind could even logically think leaving him alone at the park (or anywhere) for any length of time would be acceptable.

    I’m seeing a lot of “hovering” comments on here, it’s quite funny, I for one do not hover over my son, I do this crazy thing called being his mom and playing with him. I see so many parents that do not play with their kids. When we go to the park I’m right there to build in the sand or go down the slides, he’s only going to be this little once, why not enjoy it while it lasts?

  125. TheWoman May 4, 2010 at 5:43 am #

    2 things to point out: 1) By saying you are participating in this event you are giving computer savy predators a easy way to find an area where there will be unsupervised kids. 2) Great day to choose, my birthday, I’m a huge fan of survival of the fittest. Cheers!

  126. Jorgana May 4, 2010 at 9:09 am #

    I’m going to make this really simple. My children went to the park with their friends. The parent of her freinds was present and apparently the neighborhood thought that was inappropriate supervision and called CPS. My children were removed from my care for 3 years based on that alone. Stop being a rebel and work where the real problem is. With people letting out the predators. You are neglecting safety rules and anyone who follows you. Do you realize that even numerous false reports if someone hates you can land you in court and they don’t even listen to your evidence.
    Even the internet is not safe. Just this Thursday someone made a false report to CPS about me web caming with my children inappropriately. When i was just sending home videos of my new infant in her baby saucer. Which my mom has on her Face Book. Seriously check yourself. Before you lead the buffaloes of a cliff.

  127. Jorgana May 4, 2010 at 9:10 am #

    by the way are you just writing this post to get people to write so that you can make money at home?

  128. Leisle May 5, 2010 at 8:42 am #

    this is a really bad idea. why would you knowingly put your child in harms way? I am a “child that played outside in the 70’s” but that is because almost ALL the moms in my neighborhood stayed home during the day, every house had someone in it all day. And we knew them all because of it. now? many more moms work and very few moms stay home. So our neighborhoods are quiet, super quiet. All the kids are at daycare or afterschool care.

  129. helenquine May 5, 2010 at 1:11 pm #

    Leslie – you are aware that May 22nd is a Saturday, right? And that Lenore is not advocating taking your children to the park and leaving them there if what they need is daycare?

  130. helenquine May 5, 2010 at 1:23 pm #

    That last comment was directed at Leisle, not Leslie. Sorry.

  131. Janis May 5, 2010 at 7:53 pm #

    Just so you know, I followed this link from (I’m a trending researcher, not a pedophile).

    I wish that everyone in favour of this ridiculous idea would hug their children and realize that they are far more important than “being right”, inconvenienced, or gratifying your egos.

  132. Jennifer in MamaLand May 5, 2010 at 8:57 pm #

    I cannot believe where people are running with this; mostly, it’s just FUNNY.
    If you haven’t done so already, please give yourself a chuckle over Vanyali’s “quantitative analysis” post on May 3.
    Apparently, there is a 1% chance that your child will be raped at the park. Another 1% that he/she will be murdered there. Really??? Two in a hundred kids either DIE or get ABDUCTED as a result of a trip to the park?
    I don’t have hard numbers on that, but obviously, neither does she.
    And for Tina, who mentioned yesterday that her son is only 2 and there’s “no way” she’d leave him alone at a park. Let me just say, that comes as a tremendous relief. She probably wouldn’t leave a newborn at a park either… but the fact that she thinks that’s what’s being advocated here is a little silly.
    Use a little sense. Maybe eight is the right age; maybe ten.
    But not necessarily if they’re ten with Down Syndrome: know your kids, know their capabilities and then let them expand them just a little bit within the range of what’s ACTUALLY safe, and not just our exaggerated ideas about needing to keep them safe.
    After all, that’s what this blog is all about, right?

  133. vanyali May 5, 2010 at 9:03 pm #

    Jennifer, you completely missed the point of my post.

    I wonder if today’s stranger-danger panic is linked to a current epidemic of poor reading comprehension?

  134. Stephanie May 5, 2010 at 9:18 pm #

    Being a free-range kid is not about sending your 2 year-old unsupervised to the park. That is ridiculous and dangerous. This is about letting your school age children have the opportunity to be responsible. Give your child a chance for independence. If you shelter you children all the way to college you end up with a child who can’t handle life on their own. You need to teach them gradually starting with little trips to the park.

    I don’t need a “take your kids to the park and drop them off day” because MY kids are capable of walking themselves to the park and they do so every day. They also cross streets on their own. I have even sent them on a bike to the store.

    Teach you kids to swim before you throw them in the deep end of the pool….

  135. MeliVel May 6, 2010 at 1:07 am #

    You woman are pathetic. This is what is wrong with our society. We should focus on the youth of this nation and then maybe this world would improve. Letting our young ones go to the park unsupervised is just plain stupid if you have any sense in your thick skull. I would not take even a minuscule chance with my kid’s safety in regards to a child molester. Why would I give them any chance at all to make my kid a statistic? I do not want any of my girls to be one of the 1 in 4 that gets sexually abused as a child OR one of my boys to be one of the 1 in 6. Why on God’s beautiful green earth would I want to even minutely allow such an abomination to occur. There are so many other ways to get children to be self sufficient. They are called chores and personal responsibilities. Like for example, if your kid forgets his/her lunch or lunch money, let them figure it out. Don’t rush to school with their lunch. They can learn responsibility in other safer ways. Wait till they are teenagers to drop them off and be 100% unsupervised. There is nothing wrong with taking your kid to the park and sitting on the bench away from all the action. I do not believe for a second that my children will be any less self sufficient or responsible than yours just because I was an ear shot away instead of a mile away. But, my kids might be more emotionally and spiritually sound, not having been a victim to a predator.

  136. MeliVel May 6, 2010 at 8:28 am #

    ok, so I was very insulting, and I would like to apologize. I don’t know you, so I should have never insulted you so. I still think that your views are insane though. What about a happy medium between free-range and over-protected? It does exist.

  137. Angeline May 6, 2010 at 10:24 am #

    When I was in junior high my family used to travel with two other families to Ensenada, Mexico for vacation. My parents would hang around with the other grown-ups doing boring grown-up things like eating and drinking and talking while me and the other kids would roam around town exploring. Our natural inclination to not go into dangerous places was well defined by that age because we had been enjoying similar freedoms our whole childhood (exploring the forest, hiking old logging trails, riding bikes around town – all kids-only). All we did in Mexico was cruise the shops and outdoor markets and hit our parents up for extra spending money after they’d had a few margaritas. It was normal! And we always stuck together so if there had ever been need for help (which there never was) there was plenty of back-up to go for help. Coming from that perspective it is positively baffling to me how anyone could find spending an hour at a suburban playground the apex of perilous behavior and child neglect. That’s just called paranoia. They have therapists for that.

  138. Angeline May 6, 2010 at 10:27 am #

    Re: “Why would I give them any chance at all to make my kid a statistic?”

    There is almost no chance at all that your kid will become a statistic. Those ARE the statistics. And that is the point.

  139. MeliVel May 7, 2010 at 3:41 am #

    Jr. High
    Yeah, Jr. High
    Not elementary school.
    I was 12 (Jr. High) when I went to the mall for the first time alone with a friend. No problem. That is fine. But. . . letting a a 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 yr. old go to the park alone is just stupid.

    And, I do not want my children to be included in the high percentage of children who make up the statistic.

  140. Robyn May 7, 2010 at 10:42 pm #

    You are wrong, it is not leave your child at the park day, it is Harvey Milk day!!

  141. Sharon May 10, 2010 at 9:39 pm #

    No worries, Kate. Even though your 13 month old is too young this year, by next year he’ll be old enough for you to send him off downtown on his tricycle for an afternoon of unsupervised fun. (jeez, you people are nuts…I don’t care what you do with your own kids frankly, but I still think you’re asking for it should anything happen)

  142. Max May 11, 2010 at 3:23 am #

    I dont have any kids but I’ll go climb trees and explore all day in support! Maybe I’ll bring a soccer ball and go play with some strangers.=]

  143. roxtar May 15, 2010 at 6:49 pm #

    Ya’ see….this is why I never had kids. It’s because half of their peers would be raised by idiots. And you don’t know which half I’m talking about, which should serve to re-ignite the controversy.

  144. Sarai May 18, 2010 at 12:23 am #

    Some of you talk about the low percentage of abduction like it’s chicken pox. Is there one single person here who has experienced abduction or rape of some form? Do you have any idea of what it’s like to have this happen to yourself and have to live the rest of your life in fear because it actually did happen? Living in fear because it happened is way different than fearing that it could happen. It could happen to anyone, regardless of age, including me. I have 3 savvy children who trust I would keep them safe. I would never jepordize their childhood just to teach independence. There’s other safe ways.

  145. Jennifer in MamaLand May 18, 2010 at 1:46 am #

    Sarai wrote:
    “I have 3 savvy children who trust I would keep them safe.”

    …If only we could.

    Maybe they’ll stay out of the park but break an arm (my son did, riding his bike last month).

    Maybe their pizza shop will be blown up by a terrorist. Maybe they’ll develop lymphoma. Maybe their father, aunt or someone else you love and trust will abduct or molest them (far more likely than a stranger in the park).

    I have a friend whose son died of brain cancer when he was 10. She has lived ever since in terror of the “maybes.” Every time my kids do anything at all, she’s horrified at how dangerous it is.

    I don’t want to jinx anything, but your “savvy” children are as much in danger as anyone else’s. So are mine (terrifying).

    Of what? I have no idea. But unless they’re wrapped in cotton, there’s something that can get them. (and if they are, they’ll suffocate)

    Not to sound glib, but life is risky…and invariably fatal.

  146. kherbert May 18, 2010 at 7:31 am #

    @ Sarai Yes I had a schoolmate kidnapped for ransom. She remembered the things from the basic self defense class we had every year in PE. This helped 2 elderly ladies rescue her with the help of a clerk, who called the cops. School’s response – they started teaching the unit 2x a year. Once at the beginning of the school year because most of us walked. Again at the end of the year since we would be running the neighborhood dawn to dusk all summer.

    Starting in 6th grade they added Date Rape to the subject matter. It was handled in a way that made me feel empowered not scared.

    I had 3 cousins kidnapped but they had not been taught how to call Dad (mom is mentally ill) It took Mom’s family realizing how sick she was and turning her in to get them back.

  147. Bev Barnett May 19, 2010 at 7:35 am #

    Heard you on KGO San Francisco today… bravo. Worst Case Thinking can really cause bad decision making, from parenting to… well… the reaction to 911. My youngest is 14, but I celebrated early by letting him and his friends walk to Little Caesars to buy their own pizza. Hope yours cleaned up the eggs he dropped on the floor this afternoon…

  148. John May 19, 2010 at 9:38 am #

    This would be a lot more of an interesting concept to me if it was written in the first person rather than as a patronizing, judgmental, and imperious piece. Better to talk about your experiences and let other parents find their way (or not) to what you clearly see as the “right” way to raise children. Growing up is a process from totally helpless infancy to self-reliant adulthood. It’s a complicated trajectory that is further complicated by individual make-up (of both parent & child) and, in this case, the particulars of where a family lives. Calling parents “overprotective” who don’t subscribe to your way is not very persuasive. Saying “we survived” in the supposedly more dangerous 70s is irrelevant to any individual parent’s choice or parenting style. So more power to you and your way — please give the rest of us the same courtesy.

  149. Anita May 19, 2010 at 12:43 pm #

    If your child is “school-age” yes it is a good idea for them to go to the park, but why can’t the parents get together at the park as well? you don’t have to hover over them, but come on, “leave them at the park”???? What are you doing that is so important and private that you cannot “read” or “socialize” at the park, so your children (especially if they are under the age of 13) still know you are nearby and feel safe? This is one of the stupidest things I have ever heard of. Why not just call it “Let’s take our chances and hope a pedophile or rapist is not at the park that day”. this is the stupidest thing I have ever heard of!

  150. Stephanie May 19, 2010 at 1:02 pm #

    I can tell you that nothing I am doing is private or too important. What I am doing is letting my child grow. My 9 yo takes the 6yo to the park frequently and on their own because they are capable children and not imbeciles who need mommy solving every problem for them. No I will not take my kids to the park and leave them there. My kids will take themselves to the park (without a cell phone)!

  151. John May 20, 2010 at 1:55 am #

    Stephanie: Hooray for you and your parenting choices as you help your children navigate their paths to adulthood, but why do you have to insult other parents who might be making different (and equally valid, we have to assume) choices with their children? There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to this issue (or any child-rearing issues, for that matter).

  152. Stephanie May 20, 2010 at 2:24 am #

    I was merely responding to the previous post that considers me doing something besides hovering over my children as having something more important to do or too busy (to pretend to read a book or socialize with other parents at the park) as being stupid. I consider giving my children responsibility and life skills as the most important thing I can do.

    If parents are at the park children will go to them to have their problems solved instead of trying to solve their own. I occasionally take the younger kids to the park but the older ones don’t need me. If we teach our children the skills they need then they will be fine. Do I worry sometimes, of course I do but I refuse to live my life in fear of the “what if’s” if you want to then go right ahead. I suggest you don’t ever leave your house…something might happen. You might get hit by a car. You might get in a car accident. you might trip on the curb and end up in a coma…there are a lot of “what if’s”

  153. Kyrsten May 20, 2010 at 5:29 am #

    My children –at ages 1 & 3– already play quite independently. They do not “need a screen to entertain them,” in the slightest.

    However, statistics do not tell the whole story: we DO live in a more dangerous world. While I do not consider myself a ‘helicopter parent,’ I plan on being within “range” for quite a number of years to come. Period.

  154. victor was right May 20, 2010 at 7:42 am #

    i live in NYC, as i think lenore does. would i be copping out if i said i support this whole idea, but with reservations?

    it’s just that i cringe at the idea of something meant to HELP kids actually causing them serious hurt.

    there are places in NYC’s central park that would not make good play areas for young kids [for some reason, i picture free range kids standing on the top of belvedere castle, walking with outstretched arms along that high wall….ah, maybe i’m just neurotic].

    at the very least, parents have to know the environment they’re tempting their child with, and warn them explicitly about what could happen there. this seems simple and obvious enough, but something tells me it won’t be done in NYC- after all, YOUR kid knows better than to fall off the big rocks in central park, right?

    here’s hoping my reservations about this are unfounded.

  155. J. Duval May 20, 2010 at 9:58 pm #

    This is a good idea, but of course as a parent I myself have reservations. I have a 9yo 4yo & 5 month old. My 4yo & 5 month old are definitely out of this type of play. My 9yo is high functioning autism. I would not leave him without my watchful eye b/c he is also ADHD & very impulsive. We have alot of kids nowadays that are challenged in those areas. Even if my son didn’t have those problems, I would still want to be there for the same reasons. Kids will be kids. They run, romp, fight, do things that they’re not supposed to do & play all at the same time. If something seriously would happen to them, we as parents would be responsible. For instance, if my son was throwing rocks or something that he shouldn’t be doing. If i am not there to tell him to stop it and he hurts someone, would I still be blamed for leaving him alone? HELL YEAH. This idea is great, but with all the mess that is going on nowadays, it would probably not be good to leave most kids alone unsupervised.

  156. May 21, 2010 at 7:05 pm #

    ไมโครซอฟท์ (Microsoft) กำลังจัดทำแพตช์อุดช่องโหว่ที่พบล่าสุดใน Wndows 7 ระบบปฏิบัติการที่กำลังมาแรงในขณะนี้ โดยข้อผิดพลาดของการทำงานที่พบจะอยู่ใน Windows 7 เวอร์ชัน 64 บิท ซึ่งผู้ไม่หวังดีสามารถใช้ช่องโหว่ดังกล่าว

  157. rplass May 22, 2010 at 8:52 pm #

    Too scared of CPS to do this. Funny how I’m more scared of my own government than I am of the criminals.

  158. vanyali May 22, 2010 at 9:10 pm #

    Funny thing — yesterday, I was at the playground with my girls, both approaching birthdays that will bring them up to ages 5 and 9. The older one felt hot and wanted to leave, so I gave her a bottle of water and let her walk home. This playground is half way between her elementary school and our house, and we’ve walked it together before.

    When I got home, she said she never wanted to do that again. Why? Because at least a half dozen strangers stopped their cars to “make sure she was ok”. Plus one group of teenagers followed her for a bit apparently yelling “are you ok?!” at her. No sooner would she finish explaining herself to one busybody when the next would emerge. So she says she ran much of the way to get away from the cloying, suffocating busybodies surrounding her.

    What’s interesting is that I see boys her age riding bikes all the way from her school to homes near us completely unmolested (so to speak). So, my question is, is our society constructing invisible burquas for our girls, attempting to completely shelter them from view? Must they be escorted everywhere, like in Saudi Arabia, to literally guard their virtue?


  159. anonymous March 10, 2011 at 12:15 am #

    And why is the crime rate down? Because people are nicer? Can you actually answer this question with facts to back up your assertion? Not your assertion that crime is down, but WHY is crime down?

    Perhaps it due to the fact that there are far fewer unattended children running around in public or at home along and people actually lock their doors. Criminals look for the path of least resistance. That’s an unlocked door for a thief, and an unsupervised child for a predator. Letting children go unsupervised on a set day is like setting loose your pet deer on the first day of hunting season.

    I am very small and remember having my ass grabbed in a vitamin store at about 22 when I still looked like a teen. The cashier took the guys license number down (on his white van, yep) and it turns out he’d been watching the children at the McDonald’s across the street. I wonder why he chose my ass to grab and not that of the others who were not alone. Gee, I wonder?

  160. anonymous March 10, 2011 at 2:22 am #

    For the mom who says she doesn’t ask us to get in the sandbox with her kids… Fine, I won’t.

    And while I’m at it I want YOU to stop asking me for tissues, band-aids, wipies, food, and whatever else one or more of you always needs, but NEVER brings because you rely on moms like me you know always will. Stop watching your kid bullying others no matter how many times they ask your kid to stop. Tell him to stop and quit blaming the victim, which isn’t my kid, by the way. Everyone was playing just fine before you and your kid showed up. And stop expecting my child to share his toys under the guise of “sharing” when you’re just to lazy to ever bring toys at all.

    You don’t like us, but you certainly don’t mind using us when you need us, and you ALWAYS need us. I think that’s what the mom meant by saying that we don’t want to be responsible for your kid. What that really means is that we ARE responsible and you know it, and you rely on us to do it for you.

    This reminds me of when the “free-range” kid went missing at a party and ended up on the river bank alone. Guess who found him? MY husband, of course. As he said, “Kids usually go to the most dangerous place or object when they roam off.” I through it was going to KILL that free-range mom to thank him.

    And, by the way, this logic of most children are preyed upon by someone they know does not refute anything. In fact, it affirms what some of us are saying. Criminals want the least resistance, and having a personal relationship with a child helps in that regard for child predators. It’s not all-or-nothing, but a continuum. And most child molesters are NOT on that registry you’re relying on to keep your kid safe. Only the ones who were so inncompetent that they got caught and couldn’t afford a good defense, which further perpetrates the false notion that child molesters “look like” child molesters. They don’t. Any time you are anywhere there is one near you. That’s right. You’re just in complete denial if you think they aren’t there. And one of the ways people violate boundaries is to put YOU on the defensive about being overprotective.

    I used to work at a jail. Guess what? “That” guy and “that” guy, and even “that” guy over there we saw behind bars and know for a fact they are criminals, they just aren’t commiting a crime at that moment so you don’t know it. If a LE officer tells you s/he knows “that” person is a criminal would you watch them more or avoid them? You can’t rely on them not being there because they are, but can rely on taking safety measures. Without any comment before doing this ask your child to draw what a child molester or “bad stranger” (however you put it) “looks like.” Time and time again when a child a parent thinks is prepared if they are approached and offered candy or asked to look for a puppy they completely forget what they’ve been told and go with the person because that person doesn’t “look like” a bad person. Have someone test your child while you stand off and watch. Do it, and if your kid draws a “scary-looking” person or even walks off a little looking for that “puppy” then your kid isn’t prepared to deal with a predator.

    Here’s some advice from security expert Gavin de Becker: For one thing, if you are somewhere you feel you have to guard your bag then you probably need to be watching your child. Your child is more important than your wallet. And if your child gets lost tell them to ask a mommy to help them. Statisically (I know how you love those) your child is far less likely to be harmed if s/he is helped by someone S/HE chose, not someone who approached her, and if helped by a female. The advice to look for a police officer is not helpful at all because chances are there won’t be one around when your child gets lost. I recommend his book, Protecting the Gift, about this very issue:

  161. trolololo May 8, 2011 at 6:23 am #

    [url=]DepositFiles[/url] – Ñòàáèëüíûé äîõîä.


  1. Mark Your Calendars! « Nothing could possibly go wrong - April 12, 2010

    […] Your Calendars! ANNOUNCING MAY 22: “TAKE OUR CHILDREN TO THE PARK…AND LEAVE THEM THERE DAY” Posted on April 12, 2010 by […]

  2. Not In Kansas Anymore » Leave the Kids at the Park! (?) - April 13, 2010


  3. Top Posts — - April 14, 2010

    […] Announcing May 22: “take Our Children to the PARK…AND Leave Them There Day” Hi Readers : You read it here first! Free-Range Kids is officially declaring Saturday, May 22 — the weekend […] […]

  4. Take Your Children to the Park and Leave Them There | The Neighborhood Crime Map - April 14, 2010

    […] you read it right. That’s exactly what Lenore Skenazy, Free Range Kids maven, has suggested that we do on May 22—just a few short weeks away. She has declared it […]

  5. A sex offender moves in, and I make bread « Unplanned Cooking - April 14, 2010

    […] I always feel low level anxiety about our kids’ safety, I’ve reassured myself with statistics like the crime rate in America being where it was in the early ‘70s, and sound bytes like, “We were […]

  6. Spreading the message for Free Range Kids « Parentalpal’s Weblog - April 15, 2010

    […] Spreading the message for Free Range Kids Jump to Comments Lenore Skenazy posted this on Monday 12th: “announcing-may-22-take-our-children-to-the-park-and-leave-them-there-day” […]

  7. decoupage and free range kids « Kirinjirafa's Blog - April 22, 2010

    […] I discovered this post today, and although I don’t really want to use this blog as a soapbox, I really liked the idea. I […]

  8. Leave Your Kids at the Playground - Motherlode Blog - - April 22, 2010

    […] and then wrote about it, has suggested a riff on this day. She has proposed that May 22 be declared “Take Our Children to the Park … And Leave Them There Day.” Her vision, as described on her blog: Across the country — what the heck, across the world — […]

  9. May 22: “Take Our Children to the Park…And Leave Them There Day” | Strollerderby - April 23, 2010

    […] In an effort to help parents loosen up a bit, she proposes that May 22 be declared “Take Our Children to the Park…And Leave Them There Day.” Across the country — what the heck, across the world — parents will  converge upon […]

  10. 7 Quick Takes, Vol. 77 « So much to say, so little time - April 23, 2010

    […] I’m working on an article on overparenting for Family Foundations magazine, and I discovered this. May 22nd is “Take your kids to the park–and leave them there!” day. Sound […]

  11. Your Health Centers » Blog Archive » Take Your Children To The Park… And Leave Them There? - April 23, 2010

    […] mom-made-famous for putting her 9-year-old on a New York subway alone, has declared May 22nd “Take Our Children to the Park … And Leave Them There Day” on her blog Free Range […]

  12. Take Your Children To The Park… And Leave Them There? | Community Health Now - April 24, 2010

    […] mom-made-famous for putting her 9-year-old on a New York subway alone, has declared May 22nd “Take Our Children to the Park … And Leave Them There Day” on her blog Free Range […]

  13. HONEYSMOKE» Blog Archive » Free-Range Kids - April 26, 2010

    […] 22 has been declared the very first, “Take Our Children to the Park … And Leave Them There Day.” Lenore Skenazy, the author of Free-Range Kids, came up with the idea. Most of us used to play […]

  14. Would You Take Your Kid to a Chinese Park and Leave Them? » Nutritioneer - April 27, 2010

    […] blogger and author Lenore Skenazy of the book “Free-Range Kids” made a little suggestion on her blog a couple of weeks ago. That on May 22, we take our kids (the older ones anyway) to the […]

  15. Take your kids to the park and leave! | starting from scratch - April 30, 2010

    […] hope Canadians pick up this thread and run with it – we’re long overdue. You can read about it here. This entry was posted in Living locally, Raising children. Bookmark the permalink. Follow any […]

  16. Multitasking Moms Telesummit Wrap-Up | 30-Minute Martha - May 2, 2010

    […] Free-Range or Deranged? Lenore Skenazy! Lenore told us about the genesis of her book, “Free-Range Kids: Giving Our Children the Freedom We Had Without Going Nuts with Worry.” We talked about how to give our kids more freedom in steps we –and they! — can handle, and why it is that the MOM always gets blamed when there’s a question of parenting. Lenore also shared her latest project: Take Our Children to the Park — and Leave Them There Day. […]

  17. Take Our Children to the Park? « The Geography Collective - May 12, 2010

    […] Free Range Kids author Lenore Skenazy has announced the 22nd of May as “Take Our Children to the Park… And Leave Them There Day.” She explains it’s “Just that. If our goal is to get kids back outside (it is), and playing together (it is), and for parents to relax (it is), and to start creating community again (it sure is!!!), then “Take Our Children to the Park… And Leave Them There Day” is a great first step.” […]

  18. Free Range Kids? — No Gimmicks, Just Me - May 18, 2010

    […] 22, 2010 has been declared “Take Your Kids to the Park….And Leave Them There” day, by Lenore Skenazy. She seems to think that we should allow our kids to play in playgrounds […]

  19. Hebrew National Picnic — No Gimmicks, Just Me - May 24, 2010

    […] Island. We were joined by our cousins. We had a blast! The kids got to ride a mechanical bull, explore the island on their own and ate a couple of hot dogs. We are grateful for the great free […]

  20. Tinkering Outside « playthink - May 27, 2010

    […] wonder if FLOTUS was aware of—and if so, whether she endorsed—”Take Our Children to the Park… And Leave Them There Day.” Spearheaded by Lenore Skenazy, author of Free-Range Kids, May 22 (this past Saturday) was […]

  21. The Craziest Parenting Freak Outs Of 2010 | MyHoustonMajic - KMJQ Houston's Home for the Adult Urban Community - December 22, 2010

    […] allowing her 9-year-old son to ride the subway in New York City alone. This year she organized a Take Our Children to the Park… And Leave Them There Day,” where children were encouraged to go play. […]

  22. The Craziest Parenting Freak Outs Of 2010 | Majic 102.1 - April 28, 2012

    […] allowing her 9-year-old son to ride the subway in New York City alone. This year she organized a Take Our Children to the Park… And Leave Them There Day,” where children were encouraged to go play. […]

  23. Free Range Kids » British Kids Being Mummy-fied - May 21, 2012

    […] the more reason to get behind May 22′s “Take Our Children to the Park…And Leave Them There Day,” say I.  (Of course, I would.) Kids are being coddled, crippled and caged thanks to overblown […]