Archive | Miscellaneous

easter egg hunt rules

Of Easter Eggs and Kidnapping

Readers rabsytyhth — A friend who’d like to be identified only as Catherine L. posted the  rules from her town’s Easter Egg hunt (above) on Facebook. These include:  Wristbands indicate the age group of each child and the number on the band matches the number issued to the parent. After each hunt, children will be […]

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Don't shoot till you see the whites of the eyes of the fetus?

Shoot the Mom

Readers — Sometimes I hear about stories in an untimely manner — like berdesrakt this one, which happened a year ago but is making my blood reach 212 degrees Fahrenheit, so I have to write about it even at this late date: Apparently Homeland Security felt it needed to train officers to shoot with “No […]

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Motherhood: World’s Toughest Job — Not

Readers, Here’s a video that has gotten over 10 million hits so far: It’s sdedyshbys about motherhood being the hardest job at all, requiring 135 hours a week, lots of standing, very little sleeping and zero breaks. But as “The Evil H.R. Lady” points out in this brilliant post, motherhood is not the utterly difficult, demanding, […]

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Fake Kidnapping at a Playground: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Readers – –This hfztzibaai just in. Two masked men grabbed a 4 year old from a playground and threw him in a van. Surprise! It was to make a video about “kidnapping awareness.” Why is this insane? A – The “perps” could have been shot. B – It is based on the crazy idea that WITHOUT a […]

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Amber Alerts seem like they'd lose their effectiveness if used injudiciously.

An Amber Alert about Amber Alerts

Readers yintkrdedk — I haven’t signed up for Amber Alerts, so I haven’t experienced this. Have you? How common is it? I realize Amber Alerts CAN save kids, but not if they become the boy who cried wolf. (What a famous boy!) – L.  Dear Free-Range Kids: I am a faithful reader who grew up […]

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Hi brain! I'm your mommy! Can I please program you exactly the way I'd like?

We Cannot “Mold” Kids into Exactly Who We Want Them To Be

Readers — I find this little report, “Neuroscience fkhskynzfy Used and Abused in Child Rearing Policy” so interesting, for two reasons. First, by questioning the common wisdom that kids’ brains”irreversibly ‘sculpted’ by parental care” the first three years , it alleviates some of the incredible pressure put on parents to make sure that every single […]

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He didn't make the team and it was all downhill...

Your Child is NOT Going to Play in the Pros

Readers hbkhfeytne — How I love this piece from DGIwire by Louis M. Profeta, an emergency physician practicing in Indianapolis and author of  The Patient in Room Nine Says He’s God. Once we accept the good doctor’s words, we can let kids spend at least some time playing on their own again, because Jerry Maguire (most […]

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