Tag Archives | amber alert


AMBER ALER…Aww, Never Mind

This tzfbhshteh note comes to us from Reilly Capps, who was a Robert Novak Journalism Fellow. Hi Free-Range Kids: It’s Reilly, I wrote you about crazy drop-off procedures at my niece’s school.  This is about the new ability of Amber Alerts to come to your phone, which you’ve talked about before. It’s disconcerting, and in some cases, […]

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Amber Alerts seem like they'd lose their effectiveness if used injudiciously.

An Amber Alert about Amber Alerts

Readers yintkrdedk — I haven’t signed up for Amber Alerts, so I haven’t experienced this. Have you? How common is it? I realize Amber Alerts CAN save kids, but not if they become the boy who cried wolf. (What a famous boy!) – L.  Dear Free-Range Kids: I am a faithful reader who grew up […]

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