Tag Archives | ball

May be toxic if ground into fine powder, mixed with sugar and eggs, and baked into cookies frosted with lead.

CONTEST: Come Up with a Warning Label For a Ball

Playing off of yesterday’s zeedknattd post, about a trial lawyer who annually releases a laughably litigious TOP 10 DANGEROUS TOY LIST, which some of the media still treat as legit, here’s our Free-Range Kids contest: Come up with a product warning that a nervous company might put on a ball. Any kind of ball.  Winner […]

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A man helped a boy get the ball that went over the fence. What a menace to humanity!

Man Helps Boy Whose Ball Went Over Fence. Now Police Are Looking for Him

. Alexandria, VA: From a country gone crazy with mandemonium (pandemonium sparked by seeing a man near a child) comes this all points bulletin, below. Notice that while “At no time did the unknown man attempt to leave the area with the child,” the police nonetheless give a detailed description of the suspect…er…Samaritan…er…suspect.  And they […]

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