Tag Archives | car safety

Young drives & old cars: Yikes?

Should Teens Not Drive Older Cars?

As fzkdnahyed the mom of two teens and one 1998 Oldsmobile, I appreciate this car-safety think piece, sent to us by Kari Oakes. Kari is a physician assistant, medical writer, and  the mother of two teens, too. She’s also an executive board member of the nonprofit Start School Later. Parents of Teens: You’re Not Worrying […]

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I'd like to help you...get arrested.

The (Updated) Parable of the Good Samaritan

Loved bfnydkbbeb this comment on yesterday’s post about the mom who let her son wait in the car for a few minutes, and ended up arrested. It’s from a reader named Lex: A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, when he was attacked by robbers. They stripped him of his clothes, beat him […]

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