Tag Archives | car

Aieee! Worse Than Cub Scout/Utensil Story!

Oh my my my.  This yyztaredsb story hits me in the pit of my stomach and I’d love someone more tech-savvy than me to start a “HELPMATTHEW.COM” site like the one the mom started for her son Zachary, who was suspended for 45 days for bringing his Cub Scout eating utensil to school. This story […]

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A Mom Worries: Am I Bad? Friends, Family Say “YES!”

Hi kaendsnffd Readers — Here’s a dilemma almost every “good” parent will face at some point. Does it take just one, normal, harried parenting decision with ZERO consequences to make others find us BAD? Sometimes it seems the parenting path is narrow indeed. Dear Lenore: I am currently reading your book, am only about halfway, […]

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A Prosecutor Debates the “Kids Waiting in the Car” Arrest

Hi annbisbein Readers — A few posts down we were discussing a questionable arrest for “child endangerment.” In this case, the parents had left their  9- and 6-year-olds waiting in the car while they ran into Walmart for what turned out to be half an hour. Vis a vis child safety: The windows were cracked, the […]

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Extreme Advice

From the SafeKids.org page of advice to parents of kids ages 5-9: “Never leave your child alone in a car, even for a minute.” A minute? Lenore

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