Tag Archives | chores

It's easy to see how much kids can do...once you expect something of them.

Japan Just Seems to Get What Kids CAN Do

I spoke to an Early Educators Conference two weeks ago. Wish I’d had this video! What a great way to give kids the responsibility they crave: have them do actual tasks that actually contribute to the world they live in! – L \ .Here is the URL, if you need it! – L, .

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Help! Hellllllp!

Why Are Kids So “Bad” at Playing Tag?

Occupational nnykfshrnz therapist Angela Hanscom is founder of the New England nature-based program TimberNook, and author of a bunch of fascinating articles, including “Why So Many Kids Can’t Sit Still in School Today.” Her latest piece is about how we’re inadvertently depriving children of the opportunity to learn how to use their muscles, which leads […]

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Welcome to Middle School. Now -- take risks!

Push Your Middle Schooler to Take Risks

Today’s ibssezkbkb guest post comes from Michelle Icard, a.k.a Michelle in the Middle. I met Michelle when I was giving a talk in Charlotte, NC. Afterward, we were on a panel together and I found her ideas so compelling I had to ask for a piece of paper to take notes! What she knows about middle schoolers could […]

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