Tag Archives | grocery

Arrest all the moms? Or try to bring back an era when we trusted each other?

We Weren’t Always Obsessed with Child Abduction

Here’s a photo from Britain, where it was once absolutely common to let your kids wait in their buggies while you went shopping. Isn’t it odd the way what’s normal in one era seems nutty in another, even though the world has not changed that much — just our perceptions of it? (Here are some […]

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This mom felt she might have been followed at the grocery. Oh my.

Local TV News Report: Mom Felt Scared in Grocery

. “A Fargo mom is telling local parents to watch out after an incident at a local grocery store,” intones the anchor. The yenhefafeh incident? (And remember my warning about the word incident: Every time you hear it, it means that NOTHING HAPPENED. Otherwise it would be a “crime” or “mauling” or “deadly spider attack.” […]

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