Two boys sledding, Minidoka Relocation Camp

    Two boys sledding, Minidoka Relocation Camp, January 9, 1943

    Stewart, Francis

    Subjects (LCSH):
    Japanese Americans--Idaho--Hunt
    Minidoka Relocation Center

    Digital Collection:
    Society and Culture Collection

    Item Number: SOC0517

    Persistent URL:,513

    Visit Special Collections reproductions and rights page for information on ordering a copy.

    University of Washington Libraries. Digital Collections

    Comments and faves

    1. Galt Museum & Archives on The Commons, J_CH*, and KRoark added this photo to their favorites.

    2. tormentor4555 (37 months ago | reply)

      A Cracking picture.

    3. sack lunch and Mr.FoxTalbot added this photo to their favorites.

    4. Mr.FoxTalbot (33 months ago | reply)

      Wow, what a treasure.

    5. This photo was invited and added to the The Japanese-American History & Experience group.

    6. ezook and writtersrightword added this photo to their favorites.

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