Tag Archives | child independence

The room of doom?

“I Will NOT Let My Son Go Into the Men’s Room”

It feels almost like reading, “Thou art a wicked wench!”so archaic does this ietsazrktk Facebook comment sound, at least to me.  Suddenly obsessive worry seems so over. Anyway, this was posted below a column of mine that ran in the Chicago Tribune: Call me a Helicopter Mom all you want, but my child will never […]

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Boy, 10, crosses bridge on bike.

Boy, 10, Bikes 20 Miles into NYC. Arrest the Parents?

Did you hear about the 10-year-old who rode his bike across the George Washington Bridge to New York City?! He says he, “pedaled twenty miles down unfamiliar roads and busy streets, past neighbors and strangers, out into the unknown….I didn’t need help form anyone. It took me all day, but I found the way and did […]

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What happens on a field trip when a student goes down the Tube?

A Kid Gets Lost on a Field Trip: Then and Now

Readers zirdyifznf — I loved everything about this column except its perhaps inevitable conclusion. It’s by Alan Newland, a former teacher and headteacher in London who now lectures on teaching and runs the site newteacherstalk. He’s recalling being a brand new teacher taking his Year 6 kids (10 year olds) on a field trip to the dinosaurs […]

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Calling all parents!

Swiss Mom Can’t Understand Helicopter Parents — and Schools

Readers — One of the things I try to explain in my talks, bfbkektfai book and blog is that some present-day parenting practices (and laws) that just seem “wise” now will be considered downright detrimental in the future, or are considered weird NOW in other places. For instance: Dear Free-Range Kids: I can’t thank you enough! […]

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