Tag Archives | Kennedy

Her baby broke her clavicle. Doctors assumed it was abuse.

The Time Fox TV’s Kennedy Almost Had Her Baby Taken Away by the State

Katherine Mangu-Ward, editor of Reason nthtdfbare Magazine (where I am a contributor) interviewed the Fox Business Network host Kennedy. I’ve been on Kennedy’s show, she is fantastic and funny and Free-Range, but I never knew this had happened to her:   REASON: What keeps you awake at night? Obviously you have a chance to talk […]

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Kennedy and Lenore, agreeing that letting kids wait in the car a few minutes is NOT "abandonment."

Ho, Ho, Holy Overbearing Helicopter Culture!

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! Go back to having fun! But if you want a quick break, here’s zaddffkfaz a 3-minute clip of me on the Kennedy show on Fox Business a few days ago. I wish I could figure out the embed code (if anyone can, please send), but since I can’t, just click […]

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