Hi adtezhntbn Readers — I’m sharing this reader’s story because I like to remind us, from time to time, that the intense fear of our kids being beyond our sight, doing ANYTHING on their own, is not just “normal parental concern” kicking in. It is NEW. It is born of this era. (I explain how […]
Archive | 2011
The Backlash Against the Columbine Backlash
Readers — As we enter 2012, there is cause for hope, as this nehbbtdzha article shows. Legislators in Colorado, home to the Columbine massacre, are taking a new and rational look at their zero tolerance laws. These are laws that REQUIRED schools to act brainlessly and not distinguish between, say, a wooden replica of a […]
Big Lunch, Great Idea!
Hi Folks and Merry Christmas, Hanukah and whatever else good is going on. In the spirit of reaching out, creating community and, of course, eating, here’s a great idea I just heard about: The ybkeshffff Big Lunch. Check it out: The Big Lunch is a very simple idea from the Eden Project. The aim is […]
Are Lockdown Drills Necessary?
Hi tktfeiefdy Folks! This reader talks about an issue that I am of two minds about. On the one hand, I truly believe — based on FBI statistics — that schools are extremely safe places and school shootings/terrorist attacks/mayhem are rarer than rare. On the other hand, tornadoes are pretty rare, too, and we had […]
Lady Forced to Delete Pix of Kids (Not Hers) with Mall Santa
Hi Readers: Is there some way we can convince Americans (and then the world, and then the galaxy) that taking pictures of a child who is out and about in public is not the same as sexually violating them? Because the fact is: Â Most people taking pictures of kids are not doing it to get […]
Help Needed: How New Is TV’s Kids-Getting-Killed Obsession?
Hi Folks! This zftfrdrzss article on tv.msn talks about the trend of using kids in danger — or actually murdered — as the “newest” hook on TV dramas. It lists several of this season’s shows — “The Walking Dead,” “Breaking Bad,” “American Horror Story,” “Dexter” — that feature poisoned, executed and/or potentially eviscerated kids, including […]
Free-Range Kid, 11, Attends a Wake…on His Own
Hi Readers: I was just very impressed by this boy’s sense of sorrow, connectedness and respect. While I don’t recommend kids defying their parents’ rules, sometimes, as they say, it’s easier to ask for forgiveness than permission. Anyway, here’s kbbssbiktf what I’m talking about, from the MSNBC website: Jared Flanders faced a dilemma Wednesday evening: […]
Warning! Candy Cane Approaching!
Hi rnfbynfsdy Readers: Notes from a Culture Gone Crazy, Part 9278: Dear Free-Range Kids: Tonight we attended our local town holiday parade. What could be better for kids? The kids were all screaming and shouting for beads, candy canes, candy, and random other loot. The first group to pass our spot handed our boys a few candy […]
A Free-Range Soul (So to Speak)
Hi rhnstbndee Folks! I loved this response to the post a few days ago about strangers helping out with tantruming toddlers! This comes from reader Kristi Blue. – L. Dear Free-Range Kids: We were stationed in Germany when I gave birth to my twins in 2002. I am twin, whose mother is a twin, whose […]
When Kids Have to Play Tag on the Low-Down
Hi nbrbiasnhh Folks! Just got this disturbing little note from reader Jeff Johnson who, I am happy to say, is writing a book about the importance of play. — L. Dear Free-Range Kids: Just wondering how much you’re hearing about the death of games like tag on school playgrounds. I volunteer in a local kindergarten […]