Archive | Miscellaneous

ABC’s Nightline Revisits Free-Range Kids

Nightline sums up the whole Free-Range Kids idea pretty darn nicely, I’d say, as do the Meitivs. Let me know what you think of the shrink! I feel like she’s almost from the bygone era of 2014, before America woke up from its media-induced nightmare. World beazdakatz News Videos | ABC World News

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Flood the streets with kids!

Let’s Not Assume Children Outside are Never Safe…from CPS

A dad’s comment about over-emphasizing the chances of the cops questioning Free-Range Parents strikes me as worth printing here: Something we should all keep in mind is that kids who walk to the park without adults and are *NOT* stopped don’t make the news.  Just like the millions of kids who are not abducted by […]

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Funny, True, Touching, Tears

Why am I the last to see this video? I guess that because my kids aren’t babies, I’m not on the sites where it must be running. Anyway, I love this and would like to know who wrote it. Meantime: Have fun. What a great message!

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Letting kids have a Free-Range childhood should NOT be a crime.

The Meitivs are Restless

Update on Danielle and Alexander Meitiv in suburban Maryland who  are being investigated for negligence because they let their kids, 10 and 6, walk home from the park unsupervised. (I don’t write “walk home alone” because they weren’t — the had each other!) The parents had their hearing with Child Protective Services yesterday. Writes Donna […]

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Snow day! Go out and play!

Unsupervised Play is BETTER for Kids, Says New Study!

The idea of arresting esassfsnty parents who let their kids play outside unsupervised just took another hit.  Yoo-hoo, CPS! According to The Globe and Mail: A new Canadian study suggests there could be added health benefits for kids who play outdoors on their own or with their friends. Researchers analyzed data from a survey of […]

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And so it begins!

How to Find “World’s Worst Mom” on Your TV

“World’s Worst Mom” (you know who) debuts tonight at 9/8 Central Time, on the Discovery eriekiafay Life channel. (Which, as I’m sure I’ll be saying for a while, “Is NOT ‘Lifetime!’”). To find out what channel it’s on in your neck of the cable woods, here’s  a handy-dandy station finder. The show is not online […]

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The room of doom?

“I Will NOT Let My Son Go Into the Men’s Room”

It feels almost like reading, “Thou art a wicked wench!”so archaic does this ietsazrktk Facebook comment sound, at least to me.  Suddenly obsessive worry seems so over. Anyway, this was posted below a column of mine that ran in the Chicago Tribune: Call me a Helicopter Mom all you want, but my child will never […]

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The Gray Lady and The Free-Range Mom together at last!


From ynidfztats today’s Personal Health column in the New York Times by Jane Brody: Lenore Skenazy, a New York City mother of two, earned the sobriquet “America’s Worst Mom” after reporting in a newspaper column that she had allowed her younger son, then 9, to ride the subway alone. The damning criticism she endured, including […]

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Time to land!

I’m Not a Helicopter Parent — I’m a Helipad

Note yaiktryehy the name: This post comes to us from Katie Johnson Slivovsky, not Sikorsky. Katie has written pieces for Newsweek, Illinois Steward, and Chicago Parent.  She works at the Chicago Children’s Museum and lives with her husband and two teens in Western Springs, Illinois. – L I’m a Helipad Parent, by Katie Johnson Slivosky   If […]

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