smiling girl at stinehart play club

90 Seconds of Smiling, Starting…NOW!

Here you go!

This is a Let Grow Play Club at a Title I (high poverty) elemetary school in South Carolina. Note how the kids are having…what’s that thing called again?


No adults shouting, “Be careful!”

No adults asking, “Are you okay?”

No adults suggesting things like, “Next time, try to make it a little wider. Take turns raking. Wear long pants.”

It’s like a time capsule, but it’s going on in real life, right now.

And your kids’ school can start a Play Club too.

All our materials are here — a letter to the parents, a description of the Club, a pledge for the kids to sign, etc., etc. — and they’re free.

If you were smiling for 90 seconds, imagine 90 MINUTES of smiling. (And maybe a few tears.)

The Let Grow Play Club delivers.

Let’s bring back the best parts of childhood!

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