“Be Careful!” Is Worse than Useless Advice from Parents

What’s wrong with saying, “Be careful!” a couple million times?

Well, this: The message kids hear is pointless (Be careful HOW?), at the same time it is also dis-empowering (You think I can’t figure out how to do this safely?). Let Grow ponders the rise of this phrase and things to say instead it, in this article. And we’ve got a free poster with these alternatives that you can get by clicking here!

One Response to “Be Careful!” Is Worse than Useless Advice from Parents

  1. Mark January 4, 2020 at 4:46 pm #

    Yikes! The comments section on this post’s website already closed? I’d have been mortified, scared about my parents’ mindsets, had I seen anything remotely like this in our house. Again, parents shouldn’t feel they have to be perfect. Nor that kids always need to hear SOMETHING. Nope!