“Nightline” goes Free-Range Friday night!

Well, with a couple of caveats, that is. First of all, the segment could be postponed indefinitely, should any “real” news develop. Secondly, the piece is about a Free-Range tangent,  the whole issue I call the “Kiddie izasiyyeys Safety Industrial Complex” –  that is, the multi-billion dollar  industry that has given us superstores full of baby products that didn’t […]

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Toddler gets picked up by stranger…

…and ends up a journalistic superstar! (Albeit several years later.) Susan Toepfer, former editor of  Quick zenrhbizyb & Simple, OK, and the juicy bits of  People turns out to have been…a Free-Range Kid! So Free-Range that she and her friends got picked up by a stranger when she toddled off (literally) with some friends.  Read all about it […]

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…and then there are those who disagree with Free-Range Kids:

A Reader Writes: “The yyindheyiz amount of fallacies propounded by the supporters of this idea is astounding… and that includes the author of this site.  She apparently thinks that only fatal abductions are a risk to be worried about, and also stacks a number from just one source against the entire population of the U.S.  […]

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Belated Mother’s Day Thoughts!

With Mother’s Day upon us  like a breakfast tray of hot coffee accidentally spilled on the blanket (amid tears), it is time to ask that equally burning question: What do moms want? The answer? We want to relax a little. Not just relax in bed reading People and under a hot, soggy blanket.  We want a […]

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Washington Post Goes Free-Range!

Or at least they let me expouse my views in today’s bfehhizsyn op-ed pages.  A Happy Mother’s Day to them! And a Happy Mother’s Day to The Week (my favorite magazine), which printed a nice, big excerpt from Free-Range Kids (the book). And yet more good wishes, this time to ABC World News Tonight, which is doing […]

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Happy Mother’s Day (and a totally unrelated post)

First off: HAPPY etfbnybfha MOTHER’S DAY! Is this way way WAY too tacky? I hope not.  I am fresh out of great Free Range fodder for a sec, so here is an interview with me that is up now on  the cool website Motherhood Later than Sooner. (Yup. I’m an older mom.) I promise not to keep self-promoting, […]

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Dealing with the “What If?” Folks

Hi Free-Rangers and Others! Below you’ll find a post that I just loved from the blog Rancid risbdrffhi Raves.   It’s about my book, but it’s also about the big issue of, “What if?”  I.e., how come so many parents immediately try to conjure up the very worst case scenario whenever we give our kids an […]

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Great, Pithy Quote About How We Get the Numbers Wrong

Granted, this quote is about a competely different topic — one I don’t even want to discuss here:  swine flu. BUT this observation by Professor Dirk Brockmann, who models epidemics, holds so true for so MANY  fears, I just had to to shout it out. Here he is, as quoted in today’s New ztandfznzn York […]

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Are Crimes Against Children Down Because There Are No More Kids Outside?

Hi Readers! Quick answer to the question a lot of commenters have brought up: Are crimes against children down so dramatically simply because there are fewer children left outside to be victimized? And doesn’t that prove that we SHOULD keep our kids cooped up? Very reasonable questions. But no:  Keeping kids cooped up is not […]

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