Tag Archives | child labor

Not That I Want Kids to be Doing This, But…

Bill Frezza, host of the Real kdbrsnyaif Clear Radio Hour, sends this to us as a little reminder of what kids are really capable of. Post by David Garcia Rodriguez. You can watch just 30 seconds to get the point. The rest is more of the same…and more proof that the idea today’s kids can’t […]

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A child and some leaves? I smell a felony!

Should It Be a Crime to Hire a Kid to Rake Your Lawn?

Readers — Right now it is a crime in Ohio to hire a kid under 14, without his/her parents’ permission, to do anything for you, including rake your lawn. The idea, as always, is to keep kids safe from evil adults. But the law smacks of zero tolerance, putting leaf work right up there with […]

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