Tag Archives | kidnapping

You've got to be carefully taught.

Cute or Depressing?

. The girl is sooo cute. The parents are sooo worried. The message is sooo sickening: Welcome to the world, little one! Let’s get rid of that trust thing RIGHT AWAY. DISTRUST is the name of the game. Start distrusting already! Soon you may have to save yourself from a terrible man. Cookies are good […]

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And here's Izzy Skenazy, when he took the subway alone. Hmmm.

Parenting Tips from Law & Order SVU

Readers — This McSweeney’s tdftyfhefi post by  Beth Levine and Liz Dancho is soooo good. It’s called “Parenting Tips I Learned from Law & Order: SVU” and includes such advice as: Don’t raise your kids in New York City. They will end up running their own adult website and spending all their money on video games. […]

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