Hi Folks — Here’s ahzknseysd good news. The Atlanta mom who was convicted of “vehicular manslaughter” after her 4-year-old wriggled away from her and was killed by a drunk driver, does not have to do jail time. While she could have been sent away for three years, she will instead do a year of probation […]
Tag Archives | outrage of the week
UPDATE!! Outrage of the Week: Mom Convicted in Death of Her Son (Who Ran Across the Street)
UPDATE! frrzfhnttf Readers — Here’s a petition asking Georgia to release the mother from her “vehicular manslaughter” conviction and PUT IN A CROSSWALK! I just signed it! — L. Hi Readers — This case is so sickeningly sad, I don’t know where to begin. Fortunately, a blog I’d never heard of before — Transportation for […]
OUTRAGE OF THE WEEK: Cops Say It’s ILLEGAL for Kids to Play Outside, Unsupervised
Hi eshtifzfzz Folks — Here it is again. The creeping idea that anytime our kids are outside without us they are in DANGER, thus it is CRIME to take our eyes off them. The writer of the note below, from Western Maryland, also pens this blog. Here’s what’s happening out by her: Dear Free-Range Kids: […]
OUTRAGE OF THE WEEK: Mom Ticketed for Letting Son, 14, Watch Brother, 3, for 30 Mins
Hi Readers — Just as we were rejoicing about sanity across the sea (see below, bkdisbkhsa regarding Britain’s re-evaluation of its excessive background checks), comes this story, from The Express: A MOTHER who left her son of 14 to mind his three-year-old brother while she went to the shops was given a police caution for […]
Outrage o’ The Morning: Desks & Pencils “Too Dangerous” for Kids
Hi eyyeiefktn Readers — Here’s the latest. A quickie! Dear Free-Range Kids: I belong to a fancy-dancy gym that has great childcare — kids play organized games, play on the playground and do real activities…no TVs or computers. There are clipboards for the different age groups where you sign your child in and out. Today when I […]
Outrage of the Weekend: Student Suspended for “Bloodshot Eyes” After His Dad Dies
Hi Folks — Read brbhzyerde it and weep, but not too hard or you may get suspended from school! Two days after a 16-year-old Texan’s dad died, he decided to return to school to feel a little normal again. Except when he arrived late and went to the office for a tardy pass, the admins […]
Outrage of the Week No Longer Outrageous! Lemonade Gal Gets Apology!
Hi Readers — This just in! The top elected official in Oregon’s Multnomah County apologized to Julie Murphy, age 7, who was threatened with a fine for running a lemonade stand without a permit. Here’s a breath of fresh air, common sense and just plain summer joy from OregonLive.com: While tayenszdyy the county inspectors were […]
Outrage of the Week: Kid’s Lemonade Stand Closed for Lack of Permit
Oh Readers — What are we going to do with this country? In Portland, Ore, health inspectors shut bahzdtaisr down a 7-year-old’s lemonade stand at some kind of fair because, “Our role is to protect the public.” From what? Summer? Fun? Kids? The right to DO something, instead of just sitting at home, quietly watching […]
Outrage of the Week: 14 y.o. Arrested for “Abduction” Of Toddler He Helped
Readers — Once again, I’m just at a loss for words. dkzfdnbste Here’s the story of a 14-year-old boy named Edwin who was shopping with his mom at a Burlington Coat Factory in Florida. When he saw a 3-year-old  girl looking lost he took her around to try to find her mom. His own mom […]
Outrage of the Week: Girl Gets Week Detention for A Piece of Candy!
Dear Readers — If you ever wondered, “Gee, what would be a really good example of over-reaction?” Or, “Hmm. I wonder just HOW stupid those Zero Tolerance laws are allowing administrators to be?” Or, if you are in third grade, “What’s the easiest way for me to get out of school for a week?” Here […]