You Could (But Probably Won’t) Poke Somebody’s Eyes Out!

What happens when a little kid picks up a honking HUGE stick at preschool on the playground? The adults in charge have to think quick! This one did: Dana Frantz Bentley, a Lesley University professor of early  childhood education:

If you’d like to see more free play — and trust — at your own child’s school, take a look at the Let Grow Play Club materials you’ll find here. If your school starts a Play Club, kids will get lots of experience solving problems, making things happen and having fun! (And a bruise here and there.)

One Response to You Could (But Probably Won’t) Poke Somebody’s Eyes Out!

  1. Mark Headley December 17, 2022 at 11:32 pm #

    I’m shocked the playground had a large stick lying around. We played in woods that had large sticks, but at recess? I’d trust that schools anywhere wouldn’t be what sounds so negligent