Archive | March, 2015

Say bye-bye to your family, sweetheart. Daddy did a bad thing: He couldn't find you for a few minutes, which means he is an irresponsible parent!

Dad Accused of “Child Abuse” After Toddler Sneaks Outside

Lives idttikstdf there a parent who hasn’t, at some point, lost track of his or her kid? That’s just the way life is — imperfect!  Until the authorities deem it a crime. In this case, CPS gets it TOTALLY RIGHT…but not the prosecutor. So don’t read this letter if you were hoping to have a good […]

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Who gets to rule on how we raise our kids?

How Come CPS Gets to Decide If Kids Can Walk Outside?

Here’s a great comment on the fddirshtki post below this one, about the Meitiv case. They Meitivs were, of course, investigated for letting their 10 and 6 year old kids walk home together from the park in suburban Maryland: I think we need to start lobbying state legislatures for reasonable laws that provide some clarity and […]

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UPDATED: CPS Decision in Maryland Case: Parents Responsible for “Unsubstantiated” Child Neglect

The long-awaited decision from Montgomery County Child Protective Services has arrived at the home of Danielle and Alex Meitiv, and it finds them “responsible” for “unsubstantiated child neglect” for letting their kids walk outside, unsupervised. If that decision makes no sense to you, either — how can parents be responsible for something that is unsubstantiated? […]

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"If it saves just one child a year..." then what? We should do it, no matter what "it" is?

How Safe is Safe Enough for Playground Surfaces?

Do we really have to re-surface every playground in America because they aren’t safe enough? Tim Gill, author of the blog “Rethinking fdbiynbyea Childhood,“  and Bernard Spiegel, granddaddy of the idea of “beneficial risk,” and Jay Beckwith, the venerated playground guru, are just some of the big names in the “play” world alerting us to potentially over-the-top new […]

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