Not sure why this 2-minute film was made, but I think you’ll like it. It’s a little treacly and fake, and yet…I’m misting up. And if you can’t quite understand what the kid says when his mom asks where he’s going, he says, “I’m going to find God.”
Gotta love a kid who takes the subway by himself and talks to strangers! Here’s his 2-minute journey. It’s by a filmmaker (and philosopher?) named Meir rfrszarizf
And I wish all of you could see the smile on MY face right now.
It nice not to hear kid by themselves call the cops even if the video isn’t real.
I don’t even like this sort of thing, but I like this.
That was adorable! I’m absolutely crying.
Yep; tearing up also. Thanks, Lenore.
My 7-year-old just watched this. His response when he saw the boy get off the Subway: “Hey, his mom lets him do that??? I WANT TO DO THAT!”
Who’s crying? Not me. Definitely no tears hehe. Omg that was so sweet. My heart melted.
Besides the obvious product placement that Hostess had going on there, this was nice. 🙂
Loved it!
Is your FB pages gone? I can’t seem to find it. I wanted to share this article.
Wow! That says more about what life and childhood should be like than I could say in a year.
This was such a sweet video.
Also, a thought occurred to me about another benefit of letting kids explore the world solo. Besides independence, it also could aid in increasing a child’s empathy. It’s wonderful how the mother trusts him to go out and mingle with different people. Depending on the diversity of a child’s school/family/activity a child may have limited options on meeting people in different situations without the ability to go out into the world on their own.
Love the video.
Super message here. We need to foster inter-generational relations rather than fearing them.
Dr Gary Pennington, Roberts Creek, BC, Canada
I’ve long suspected that if there is a God, he’s inside every child.
This is awesome, thanks for sharing. I think I have something in my eye…
Kids have such a different perspective, don’t they? Amazing how much wisdom they can bring into our lives.
Dear Lenore,
I’m so glad you read my email about this film. Thanks very much for posting the link.
Everyone’s comments are delightful. I especially loved the comment by lightbright.
Cheers to you for all you do …
Wow, I’d think he’s a bit young (but whatever, it’s a movie).
I like how they sort of blend the God-concept with the Mother Africa-concept. Seems fitting.
That don’t-you-even-know-that tone when he told his mom, ‘God is a woman’ made me laugh.
Oh, the ‘God/kindness is inside us all’ thing – very diplomatic.
No misty eyes here, I’m afraid. I am definitely a cryer, but somehow never for the same things as you!
I’m late to the party seeing this. LOVE it!!