A long time ago people would blame bad events on the spirits that needed to be appeased.  Then the bad events were blamed that needed to be burned. Now bad events are blamed on people/companies that need to be sued.I think it all comes from the same root.
Humans are hypersensitive to seeing intent and patterns;  to the point that we see them when they are not there.  Plus, humans can be arrogant, and don’t want to believe they are powerless.  When forced to face that fact, many will get angry and bitter and find someone to blame.


On your blog you wondered why people assumed bad events are somebody’s fault.  I think people have always thought that way; in the past they were simply focused on supernatural causes. – Jennifer . C.

Lenore here: I not only agree, I also feel  that we make laws, buy products and engage in “safety practices” in our own lives and in schools that are all, at base, superstitious. We are hoping to appease some greater power that will smote us if we don’t obey. Here’s my own piece on that. – L.