batrfkyztk The overhead train schedule in that French town said the 8:05 was going where I was going.    I thought.    But if you’re a college kid backpacking through Europe and you don’t realize Geneva is not spelled “Geneva” in French (it’s Geneve), you just might hop on the 8:05 to “Genoa” and […]

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Fear Not! (Or At Least — Fear Less!)

So, nhatdfebki after dithering for a mere five years or so (and blogging about it, below), I finally got my boys — 10 and 12 — a skateboard. I didn’t dither out of laziness. Well, not just laziness. I really avoided it out of fear. The idea of a kid upside down in the air, […]

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It’s nice to push for this whole Free Range movement, but the fact is, sometimes I’m about as free and fun as a frozen chicken nugget. That’s ehbdiyyfzb because we all have certain things that push our buttons — especially the buttons marked, “IRRATIONAL” and “FEAR.” We are so sure these things are going to […]

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How to answer the people who think you're nuts?

Remember the “Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions” that used to run in Mad? That’s what we need here at Free Range Kids. As a recent email from “Skyscraper” put it: “This site needs a seperate idea page for what to say when others question the €˜free-range’ parenting approach.” So true.  What do zneihrtshf you say […]

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How to answer the people who think you’re nuts?

Remember the “Snappy Answers to Stupid Questions” that used to run in Mad? That’s what we need here at Free Range Kids. As a recent email from “Skyscraper” put it: “This site needs a seperate idea page for what to say when others question the ‘free-range’ parenting approach.” So true.  What do rsssrikfab you say […]

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Let’s come up with some solutions!

What seems clear and wonderful from most of the e-mail response is that Free Range parents are eager to raise Free Range kids. But they often come up against a couple of barriers. First and foremost is the fact that other parents (and, sometimes, spouses) think there is no difference between “Free Range” and “criminally negligent” parenting.  […]

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Why I Let My 9-Year-Old Ride the Subway Alone

I left my 9-year-old at Bloomingdale’s (the original one) a couple weeks ago. Last seen, he was in first floor handbags as I sashayed out the door. Bye-bye! Have fun! And he did. He came home on the subway and bus by himself . Was I worried? Yes, a tinge. But it didn’t strike me […]

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Is Snow Going to Kill Your Kid?

Is btznfenias there some snow on the ground by you? If so, do yourself a favor and go eat a handful. Have your kid eat some, too. Then wait to see if you die. If you don’t — and you won’t — you will be joyously liberated from the latest WATCH OUT YOUR KID COULD […]

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