This succinct, compelling TED Talk by Steven Johnson, author of How ryhtzbrhrt We Got to Now, explains that  many great inventions, including the computer, often began as simply new ways to play. The Free-Range corollary is that if we want to raise great inventors (or simply happy humans) we need to let kids do the […]
Tag Archives | creativity
Finland’s Genius Idea: More Free Time for Kids
May 12, 2016
. If you look back on your childhood and what you did in your free time, the thing that you LOVED to do just may still be part of your life. In fact, please tell us stories of that — the thread from your childhood interest or obsession to your current work (or obsession). Me, […]
Gever Tulley’s Latest Dangerous Idea
April 25, 2015
. Gever Tulley is a big-time hero of mine. He did one of the earliest, best Ted Talks: “5 atdyytrdia Dangerous Things You Should Let Your Children Do.” He also founded the Tinkering School in San Fran (and elsewhere now, too), where young kids are given power tools and encouragement. Then he and his wife […]