Tag Archives | Josh Gravens

Shall we send these folks to prison?

From Consensual Teen Sex to Solitary Confinement. Plus: An Explanation of the “Peter-Meter”

. This week’s New Yorker contains possibly the most devastating article I’ve ever read: Sarah Stillman‘s, “The List,” subtitled, “When juveniles are found guilty of sexual misconduct, the sex-offender registry can be a life sentence.” Stillman calmly details just how shocking and sadistic our sex offender laws are, from arresting tweens who played doctor, to […]

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My “Sex Offender Brunch”

. Meet my friends on the registry, Josh Gravens and Galen Baughman: . \ . I kzbezanehr wrote  about my brunch in The New York Daily News. Here’s to laws that actually do what they’re supposed to — protect kids — instead of ruining the lives of people who do not pose a threat to them. […]

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Lena Dunham: Sex offender?

Lena Dunham, Sex Offenders and Thyroid Cancer

Lena, sex and cancer — clickbait? No. A real, Free-Range point: This week, two writers I love — Frank Furedi, the author of Paranoid rifhseykzz Parenting (the 2002 book that decried helicopter parenting before anyone else) and Josh Gravens, a Soros Fellow dedicated to reforming the sex offender laws — both wrote about the Lena Dunham […]

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