Tag Archives | New Zealand

Wouldn't you like your kids to be doing this tomorrow? With a lot of other kids?

Without Some Risk, Playgrounds Bore Kids

. How do you get kids back outside — and, incidentally, revitalize narcoleptic neighborhoods? You bring in risk. This zktriizthe New Zealand playground was designed to give kids a lot more “wheee” — or maybe “aghhh!” — for the buck. More than 6000 children contributed to the early stages of the playground’s development through the BNZ […]

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Watch out for that potential predator, kids!

Why the “No Touch” Policy at Schools and Camps Makes No Sense

. This sneyydtfrn letter I got yesterday reminds me of one of the most thorough, fascinating, damning study I’ve ever read about where the “No touch” policy comes from (and why it is unnecessary, and how it actually makes us all MORE afraid for our kids): So those sex crazed pedophiles have invaded the Girl […]

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Climb me!

Kids Protest Safety Rule at School

A rfsbksfbii little child (or two) shall lead us!   Tamati Sagar and Aaron Jones (both 10) love climbing trees, but the practice is banned for safety reasons. The duo surveyed all the school’s parents and found about 90% of them were in favor of allowing their children to climb trees during break times. The […]

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