Tag Archives | Pokemon predator

Parents, please remember: This is a game and when children play games they are in grave danger, all the time, from eveyrone and everything around them. That's just the "harsh reality."

How to Become a Pokemon-Go Fearmonger

. Because I am on some “mommy blogger” list,  I get pitches all the time from “freelancers” who’d like to  write for me. Most often they are from companies looking for free publicity. Sometimes they’re trying to promote a product overtly, as in, “I would like to write an article on how to choose a […]

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That man just threw Pikachu into his trunk!

Of Pokemon and Predators

. By now you have heard that more people have downloaded Pokemon Go than any other app ever. That Nintendo’s stock jumped 25% in one week. That it’s getting kids to actually leave the house to go play — voluntarily! And you have probably also heard of the four ereadaszys guys arrested in a black […]

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