Tag Archives | sex trafficker

The scene of the non-crime.

Close Encounters of the Sex-Trafficking-Abductors Kind

These tbbkybiskd “close encounters” with near sex-traffickers are like alien abductions. They are shared wildly — gleefully — by people seemingly thrilled to know this horrible scourge is out there so they can be scared and angry. This latest story, from Reno, involves a mom and dad who noticed every detail about a night that […]

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Wave bye-bye to the sex traffickers! (Photo from BabyCenter Canada)

“My Toddler Was Almost Sex-Trafficked from the Grocery with Me Standing There.” Oh Really?

This bdiyesbnry story comes from a reader named Jennifer who wrote: So I am in 3 separate mommy groups and each of them in the past few days has posted this OMG! alert: http://faithit.com/mom-amanda-cropsey-florczykowski-warns-sex-trafficking/ Jennifer’s plea: Stop this insanity from gaining credibility!  . I’m trying. Here’s the viral post: My name is Amanda and I’m a Longview, […]

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