Tag Archives | spikedonline

From coddled childhood to campus kookiness.

From Trophy Culture to Campus Microaggressions

Dan hsdarfyhky Shuchman, chairman of FIRE (Foundation for Individual Rights in Education), the group that fights for free speech on campus, has written this Wall Street Journal review of a book by one of my favorite thinkers, Frank Furedi. Furedi wrote “Paranoid Parenting” back in 2002, which was the first book I read about this […]

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You are never alone with a "Named Person" watching your parenting!

All Parents to be Supervised by State-Appointed Guardians in Scotland

Readers — As I write on the Reason blog today, Scotland is beginning to assign every child, from birth to 18, a “named person” — that is, a state-appointed guardian. The program will be nationwide by 2016. Each “named person” will be privy to the child’s health, school and other records. If they don’t like what […]

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