Voila a wonderful sign and wonderful way to ring in a New Year! Sent to us by a guy named Marty:

In case you couldn’t read the sign, some highlights are:
Let’s work together to help and support each other. We all share this world together. Let’s make the words below important again!
*Please *Thank you *Yes M’am *Yes Sir
*How can I help you?
*Of course I’ll help!
*I’m sorry
*I forgive you
*I respect you
*I see your point
*I couldn’t disagree with you more. Let’s go grab a beer!
That one is my favorite. It’s way too easy (and even encouraged) to look down on — or hate — people who don’t share our opinions. But when we try to connect instead, wow. It is an amazing, electrical feeling — a jolt of hope.
So here’s to a year filled with those joy-recharging connections. – L.
Very nice!
How dare they propose to steal Canada’s national non sequitor – “I’m sorry”!!!
I’ll put in my pitch for “How can I help you?” I think it is the most powerful thing you can say to a parent who is struggling in the moment.
I’ve probably told this story before. But it is the most dramatic example of how those little words can make all the difference in the world. Last year I was traveling without my daughter. Through the whole long slow slog from the moment I got on the jetway all the way up to the airplane I heard a baby screaming and screaming. It was a full transcontinental flight, and everything had been crowded and frustrating as many flights had been canceled and delayed in the preceding few days. I’d been waiting several day for a flight home myself. The crowd had slowly shuffled along in stony silence. And I’m sure you can imagine the thoughts people were having, because we have all heard the comments about crying kids and airplanes.
Toward the end of the crowded jetway I spotted the family, a mother and father with 3 kids under 5, 3 car seats, and a full complement of carry on bags. I stepped out of line, put on my most sympathetic smile, and asked. “Is there anything I can do to help?”
The mom responded almost frantically “Yes! Take this bag.” So I took the indicated bag. In a flash the baby was passed to dad and calmed, the preschooler had taken instructions and tenderly taken the toddler out of the way, the car seats had been passed to the ground crew with no more pint sized interference, and the luggage juggled and reclaimed.
We didn’t hear a squeak from the kids the rest of the flight. They really were good parents, of course, and good kids too. But I’m guessing a fair portion of the 100 or so people who pushed past in silence thought they were a hot mess. By offering a hand I got the chance to be impressed by them, see what a good team the parents were. How fast mom could think. What a helper the oldest was. How much the toddler trusted his big brother. And how nurturing the father was.
So much unnecessary grief. I’m sure the parents felt they couldn’t ask for help. And I have no doubt by how quickly they turned to board that they felt embarrassed. It shouldn’t be embarrassing to need a hand for a few seconds. But I know it is. I’ve been embarrassed by needing help too. Because I’ve heard the rude comments people make about parents who accept help, ask for help, or struggle in public. And it is striking that this embarrassment is hardly present when I am out on my own and need a hand.
I don’t particularly think ill of the other passengers either. We have walled parenthood off as a society, as some strange mysterious journey to be done in a vacuum like thousands of delicate experiments. I bet a lot of the people who passed in silence felt they couldn’t or shouldn’t get involved, or had no idea they could be of help. So much time being frustrated when anyone could have done what I did, and ended the problem in less time than anyone spent being irritated by the screams.
How much happier of a society would we have if it was no big deal to request/offer/and take help, even when kids are involved?
A gal named Marty. When I saw this sign in downtown Chandler, Arizona I was so very concerned about the ‘new normal.’ The expectation that we can’t get along with someone who has a differing opinion is hurting the world. Establishing communication styles that encourage sincere connections with others include all of the above phrases. I ended up being so concerned, it impelled me to help others create and share little hearts easily made of plaster of Paris. I called this ‘The Hearts Project – We Choose Love.” You can find information on how to make the hearts on YouTube and how they are used to transform the world. Letting other people know we care about them (even if they are not of like-mind) helps us all. And since I am a huge fan of Lenore – I am especially aware of what has transpired in regards to how we interact with each other – especially when children are involved. Trust, patience and inclusion… all go a long way. I’m gonna go into Wimpy’s Paradise and let him know his sign is going viral. ‘Let’s share it and the hearts around the world! ‘Here’s to 2017 and increased civility in all our communications!
*I couldn’t disagree with you more. Let’s go grab a beer!”
History has shown that does happen. We’re going through the ‘I couldn’t disagree with you more’ part. I wouldn’t be surprised if the ‘Lets go grab a beer’ part comes after that.
I would like to add:
“You can count on me!”
I made this sign so that anyone can print it out as a 4×6 photograph. I urge you to follow the link, download the image, put it on a flash drive, and take it to Wallmart, Staples, or anywhere that prints photos.
Display this photo somewhere so that you see it many times each day
I dunno. I think there is information that we don’t have, that hasn’t been given to us, and until that information has been shared with us I will not have an opinion.
I hope you’ve seen this sign?
It’s spreading rapidly (they are ALL over our town), and it originated at one of our neighboring churches. (So proud!!!)
This is one of the few times I disagree with you Lenore. While saying “I’m sorry” may be polite and respectful virtually nobody does anything to prove it. It doesn’t take back words spoken. It doesn’t take away the soreness from accidental physical contact. It doesn’t repair anything you broke or damaged. It doesn’t clean up a mess you made. If you call customer service for any problem with a product or service saying “I’m sorry” doesn’t correct the problem. If you say you’re sorry follow it up by actually doing something to fix the reason you said it. Otherwise it just makes you feel better, but not me. Doing something would be respectful.
Such civility is politically incorrect, especially if another person voted differently than you did.
Lol Buffy
Okay, so it’s past 2 in the morning, the New Year’s Eve comedy show is over, the silences between the firework noises are getting longer and longer, even the Top2000 is over after 159 hours of non-stop radio. January 1 is quiet and I’m off to bed now.
Happy 2017 y’all 🙂
There are various degrees of sorry. Many people say the words but are not sorry at all. It sounds like you’ve experienced a lot of these people. However, that doesn’t make all degrees of “I’m sorry” null and void of any remorse.
Still looking for your socks, Lenore? 😛
I’m sorry you feel that way.
Boy do I feel better now.
@DocHal – what is the charge for this counseling session you have put us all through with your thoughts? I would like a refund before I pay.
@Buffy – I think you are right here. Not enough info to provide well thought out conjecture…..
Yes, Bartender, beer for me and my friend here as we politely discuss our differences……
This is a wonderful sign all hand written. If only people would abide by these thoughtful sayings, the World would be a better place.