The Let Grow Project is so simple it’s almost laughable. Almost. But its impact is so profound, it changes the lives of most people who try it. Which people? Students. Parents, Teachers. Counselors. Even the producer of the 7-minute film below, Justin Toops. It features kids doing remarkable — and not remarkable — things, once set a bit free. And if you feel like seeing me after all these years, I’m in it too, busy promoting ye olde Project!
The Let Grow Project is actually a homework assignment: Go home and do something new, on your own, without your parents.
That straightforward directive ignites a change, sure as a baby’s first toddling steps. Suddenly, kids enter a new stage of life. It is breathtaking, inspiring — and being unconscionably delayed by our culture’s obsession with safetyism. Long after they are ready to spread their wings, kids are being kept back. This breaks their spirit. It burdens their parents. And it is actually NOT keeping our kids safer from the biggies: anxiety and depression. It’s making those worse.
Knowing when to start Free-Ranging.
Our culture has made it almost impossible for parents to know when to start letting go. But as you’ll see in the short film: A little push from The Let Grow Project (formerly known as The Free-Range Kids Project) kickstarts the process. Parents start letting kids do some new things on their own (and they don’t all have to drive trucks!) and the sun comes pouring in. Worry is edged out by joy.
I predict that in 10 years’ time The Let Grow Project will be part of the school curriculum, sure as reading and writing. After all, The Project gives students a skill they’ll use every day.
Engaging with the world.
And by the way, the Let Grow Project implementation guide is free, here.
Get ready for takeoff.
I’ve worked on horse farms forever. My kids along side. And all of them learned to drive farm vehicles as soon as the could reach the pedals and see out the windshield. If a. Emergency happened they needed to know. If in the middle of haying the6 could bring us stufff. Nobody else. Considered this special or strange.