Big news, readers! World’s Worst Mom — a reality show hosted by yours truly — is coming to TV! It debuts Jan. 22 at 9 p.m. Eastern Time. You can see little glimpses of it in this promo for the whole lineup on new channel it’s on, Discovery: Life (formerly “Discovery Fit & Health”). Woo hoo!
Each week I visit a different family where one or both of the parents are very anxious for their kids’s safety. One mom, for instance, allows her son, 8, to skateboard — provided he just stands on the board, not moving, on the lawn.
Another mom has her 15-year-old text her whenever he gets where he’s going. Then he has to follow up that text with a phone call, to prove it wasn’t really written by his kidnapper pretending to be him.
And another mom — the one in the first episode — still feeds her son sometimes. Like, with a spoon.
He’s 10.
Enter, me — the “World’s Worst Mom.” I make the kids do daredevil activities like…ride a bike. Walk to school. Buy groceries.
What happens when these kids go off on their own, at last?
What happens to their parents?
And how does it feel to be a mild-mannered blogger cursed by terrified moms? And even, once, kicked?
All I can say is,watch the show. Even I was shocked by what happened.
World’s Worst Mom on Discovery:Life, Thursday nights, 9-10 p.m. Eastern Time. Spread the word! (And I’m sure I’ll be spreading it some more, too, so forgive me in advance!) – L

Looking forward to this, Lenore!
I cannot wait!
My best friend needs to be on your show!!! She once told me that she buys cracker chips for the kids because “regular chips can be so sharp, I’d hate for them to cut up the insides of their mouths”. She doesn’t say it to me, but I can tell she is quietly horrified by the things I let my kids do, like letting my 9 year old play outside with the neighborhood kids while I’m not out there.
Finally, a reality show we actually need on television.
Congratulations!! No one is more deserving. The only sad thing is we dropped cable so I’ll miss your show. Who knows, maybe Netflix will pick it up!
Just thinking of the commotion your common sense will cause to the boob tube makes me smile. I consider it a public service!
Anyhoo, much success to your show!
Congratulations!! No one is more deserving. The only sad thing is we dropped cable so I’ll miss your show. Who knows, maybe Netflix will pick it up!
Just thinking of the commotion your common sense will cause to the boob tube makes me smile. I consider it a public service!
Any hoo, much success to your show!
Congratulations Lenore!!! Having caught a glimpse of your show, I love it. I’ve been considering getting my cable turned back on. Maybe I will.
This is the first time in 15 years that I wish I had television. 🙂
Today I read my students a story about an evil substitute who steals voices. How dare that mother assume that is her teen’s voice on the other end of the phone! The danger! Who knows, perhaps that was addressed in the episode. Can’t wait!
Congratulations on your upcoming show Lenore and I just can’t wait to watch it! Hey weren’t you suppose to be a guest of John Stossel’s on a show he was going to do in October on free range parents? Did I miss it?
Alright! Finally! I can’t wait. Congratulations, Lenore.
By the way (or “BTW” to save time and typing), that isn’t Izzy in the promo photo, all bubble-wrapped, is it?
Congrats! That’s great news. I’m looking forward to seeing it!
@Emily Morris: Mr. Gorf!!! I have that book!!! In the first book in that series, his mom is their regular teacher, and she used to turn the students into apples
“it wasn’t really written by his kidnapper pretending to be him.”
I’m sure that happens all the time (rolls eyes).
I trust you wear shin guards to protect yourself from the kicks?
Just adding my congrats! I hope you can help balance out the fear in this crazy world!
No cable here, either. But what an exciting opportunity! =D
My niece needs to be on your show. She has her son phone/text her whenever he gets to his destination. Calls if she does not hear from him and says: “I Know Where You Are”. She knows because she had a tracker put in his cell phone. Oh, her son is 17 years old.
Look forward to watching your new show!
Ack! This is the first time in YEARS that I’ve actually wished I had TV. Please come to Netflix soon!
I hope that the Lifetime iPad app will allow this show to be one we can watch without having to log in with our cable subscription, like Project Runway does. Crossing fingers!
Aaaaand I’m a dummy, I read “Discovery: Life” and it translated to Lifetime in my head.
BOO. Hopefully we’ll get the option to see it through SOME app!
Again, yaaaaay 🙂
“And how does it feel to be a mild-mannered blogger cursed by terrified moms? And even, once, kicked?”
Kicked? Was that actually in the episode? Because I only remember you got slapped on the behind, you were picked up (LOL), insulted a few times and of course some moms wanted to kill you, but a kick? Who was that?
Congratulations on your new show, Lenore!
Anyone who hasn’t seen Lenore in person can find some very entertaining videos of her presentations on youtube.
Here’s a good one to start:
This looks great. I wish he had TV service so I could watch it. Hopefully, I can see it next year on Netflix!
I am super excited. Congrats Lenore! I’ll definitely be tuning in!
Couldn’t the kid just call instead of texting, then calling?
Yay! I can’t wait to watch. It’s going to be epic!
Might I suggest you also: allow a child to use a can opener, by herself! Then have her make a sandwich using regular bread (not that gluten-free crap that does no good to anyone who doesn’t have celiac disease or gluten sensitivity)and let her eat it, without first having an adult cut it into bite-size pieces.
And now, let the people who insist that a gluten-free diet cured their children of autism, OCD, ODD, St. Vitus’ Dance and beriberi furiously defend its wonders.
oh hope someone puts it on youtube lol
Congratulations, a show like this should be a diamond in the rough of reality TV.
Lenore, that’s so great! I hope they show it in England. The Brits already think we’re idiots from watching Honey Boo-Boo and the Kardashians…maybe I can point them toward your show and say, “This is what we’re actually like! Lenore, that is.” 🙂
You are not the world’s worst mom. Now that lady that let her toddler drink a whole thing of vaping liquid which instantly killed him-she might qualify.
A little late chiming in, but congratulations! I hope I can catch it online, or in boxed set. I don’t pay for TV, but I would pay for your show. I’ve been trying to get a look at an episode since you started doing this. I think you have helped shift the conversation on parenting. And I hope your show gives parents the practical tools and the push they need to move parenting in the right direction. It will certainly reach a different audience, one that needs reached.