When I was at the US htbihhffsn
Play Coalition conference at Clemson University last month, Kent Callison from the playground manufacturing company GameTime was talking about the importance of videos. He aired the one I posted here about how prisoners get two hours a day of “play” time outside, which is more than most of today’s kids get. Very powerful.
As we got to talking, Kent showed me another video that blew me away, this one of two of his daughters on a day at school celebrating the fact, “It’s Okay to be Different.” It sure brought that point home for me, so I thought I’d share:
I’m happy for her. It took me surviving a suicide attempt to realize this.
Very sweet!
This is especially relevant for Mothers Day. (And will be again on Fathers Day) Each of our kids are individuals even if the same Parents raised them I think that is a big part of Free-Ranging it. Happy Mothers Day!
Ah, I love positive posts like this!