Tag Archives | no risk

Slow! Kids playing (and parents nearby, of course).

More About Playborhood and Risk, From Tim Gill

. The New anrhtzzene York Times article on Playborhood, the open-to-all playground that Silicon Valley entrepreneur Mike Lanza organized on his front and back lawns, continues to elicit a ton of comments and commentary. Here’s what Lanza wrote on his own Facebook page. And here’s a post by Tim Gill, the British visionary who blogs […]

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Too scary for Britain? (Photo from Amazon: http://amzn.to/1ShXTj7)

Cheerio to the Days of Banning Frilly Socks as Tripping Hazards

. For a while, our cousins across the pond had a hard time distinguishing between the truly risky and and the truly ridiculous. Recall that in Britain last year, a bdbyezsbhd school told a blind girl to stop using her cane, because it posed a tripping hazard to the other kids. This is also the […]

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