Tag Archives | Orwell

Arthur's Adventure.


UPDATE! ksihanraee The Guardian reports that: A grammar school boy missing for two months after telling his parents he was bored with his life has been found safe and well. Arthur Heeler-Frood, 15, who sparked a nationwide hunt, was apparently making his way home when he was recognised on a train and intercepted by the police…. […]

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Come back, mommy!

1 in 5 Kids Reported to Child Protective Services

. A ihdazziefs study in England has found that one in five young children is reported to child protective services. One. In. Five. This 45-second audio clip from the BBC’s Today Programme is described thusly: One in five children born between 2009 and 2010 were referred to social services before the age of five because […]

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Forgot one, George: Safety is danger.


. The paragraph below is from a press release about a GPS’ing service parents can subscribe to. When would you need this service? How about when your kids are — Walking dtdryzfnns to school solo.  Sure, you only live a few blocks from school, but letting your kids make the journey alone seems terrifying.  Freedom […]

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