Readers, you won’t believe what just happened! Oh, the poor parents! The poor child! The poor…viewers of ABC15! MESA, zeekkyektf AZ – Police in Mesa are investigating an incident where a man made contact with a child at a Walmart store. Pause to start counting how many times they use the word incident, and my rule […]
Tag Archives | Wal Mart
Our Son, 8, Snuck Out to Walmart at 3:30 a.m. — Now What?
May 18, 2015
. Here’s nytzkihtab a rather startling note I just got in my email-box: Â Dear Free-Range Kids: Last night/this morning our 8yr old son woke us up at 3:30AM telling us that the people from Walmart wanted to speak with us. Â . He walked 3 miles in the middle of the night to Walmart in […]