A etterzrssi Ontario, Canada mom who took her daughter in for a dental check up was told by the dentist that her daughter had a mouthful of cavities — nine. Â . Finding that assessment odd (and expensive), the mom, Melissa Lopez, switched dentists and ignored the first dentist’s notices to bring her child in for […]
Tag Archives | Canada
An Adult with Possible Autism Is Grateful for Her Free-Range Childhood
. Here’s esnafzrezd a fascinating note from fascinating Lia Grimanis, a feisty Canadian who makes things happen. She has been homeless, she is listed as one of Canada’s 100 Most Powerful Women, and she founded an organization called Up With Women,  helping homeless women and children  rebuild their lives. As if that isn’t enough, she also describes […]
COMPARE AND CONTRAST: Girl, 12, Travels Solo, Iran to Greece. Meanwhile, in Canada…
. See the story below this one, about  a tkzzfynafh dad whose kids were seized because he let them stay home alone part of the nights he worked as a bouncer. His kids are 8 and almost 12. Canada’s Ministry of Children and Families gives the age of 12 as a guideline for when kids should […]
A Missing Kid and the Benefit of the Doubt
. This is how it’s SUPPOSED to work: Dear hfsbsidfsr Free-Range Kids: I feel very fortunate that we live  in Northern Alberta, Canada, where the kids play outside all day, all year! Last summer, we had the biggest scare of our lives. It was the last day of school and I was resting in my […]
Kids Allowed to Engage in Unsupervised “Risky Play” Develop Skills that Help Later in Making Smart Decisions about Sex and Drugs
. Mariana  Brussoni is  an assistant professor at the University of British Columbia in public health and pediatrics, and lead author of a major ikddditnai report on the health benefits of “risky” play. The study determined what Free-Rangers feel in their (once in a while broken) bones: Too much supervision and safe-to-the-point-of-stultifying play spaces prevent kids […]
“Don’t Leave Your Child in the Car for Even a MOMENT” — Toronto Police
. What is the rationale behind this so-called public service announcement that insists children cannot even wait in the car A MOMENT? If erkiadfirh children died in cars this quickly, they’d be dead the second mom came to a red light. The fact is, each year, more children die in parking lots than die while […]
Outrage of the Nanosecond: Stop That Egg!
Hi Readers — Just because it’s an outrage kind of day, here’s another: A woman was detained at the Canadian border because she was bringing in a Kinder Surprise Egg. You know — the chocolate candy with a prize inside. The problem? That prize presents a choking hazard! The BIGGER problem? A law equating candy […]
The Most Insane Zero Tolerance Story Yet
Hi dkabyznrny Readers — Here you go. This is from a 25-year-old webmaster who lived n New Hope, PA., when he was 17 and this happened. He later moved to Canada, in part as a result of what this incident revealed to him about America: Dear Free-Range Kids: I actually ran up against zero tolerance […]
The Underwear Police
Hi Readers: ekibkzydns This one is so weird, such a PRIME example of bureaucracy gone wild, I don’t have much to say except [sound of eyes crossing, drool dripping from slackened jaw]. Apparently, Canadian Sears stores have just recalled a line of girls’ boxer shorts sold for past four years without any adverse incident. So […]
Oh Great – Now They’re INVESTIGATING The Day Care Center
Dear Readers: The blog post below this one says it all –I thought: Our modern era considers it a news story when a child accidentally gets left behind on a small excursion for a small amount of time. Why? Because the underlying idea is, “What if  something BAD happened? Then it really WOULD be a […]