Tag Archives | carpool

Drop-off at an American school. It's only 20 minutes a day! (Well, times two...)

The “Duh!” Way to Get Kids Walking to School

Maybe the answer to, “How can we get kids back to walking to school?” is, “Um…suggest it?” That’s rtyenkftfs what St. Raphael Catholic School in Toronto did. The student-run Heath Action Team pushed for kids at the K-8 school to start walking. They held a why-it’s-good-to-walk assembly, they organized official walk-to-school days on the last Friday […]

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Is carpooling litigious?

“Do I Need a Liability Waiver to Carpool?”

Here’s a modern day dilemma that I don’t have an answer to. On this overcast Sunday (well, it’s overcast in NYC), thought I’d put it out there to you: Dear yynzakehyn Free-Range Kids: I have a question I think maybe your readers can help. Recently, my neighbor ask me to drive her 12-year-old boy for free […]

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Come out, come out!

Walking to School is Less Dangerous than NOT Walking

The yhyhtbakks next time you are having issues with your school (or neighbors, or ex) about letting your child walk home, please print this out. Point by point it explains how walking is not just healthy and fun, it’s actually safer than insisting children NOT walk. This comes to us from Michael Lewyn, an associate professor […]

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Who let this kid

I Must Get Out of the Car to Pick Up My 8-year-old, And I Am Disabled

. This fhtkksbnby situation is so infuriating, I am at a loss for advice to give that doesn’t involve hissing. Maybe you have some? Dear Free-Range Kids: My daughter “M” just started 3rd grade at a school she has attended since preschool. It has 200 students K-8 so everyone knows everyone. There is one main […]

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What age kids CAN walk to school is different from what age we LET kids walk to school.

“Send The Beloved Child on a Journey”

. Usually I don”t have the patience to watch an 8-minute video, but this one fascinated me: . . The zeekaarfba two families — one Japanese, one Australian — are obviously hand-picked and hence not a random sample. But Japan DOES trust its kids out and about at an early age, and clearly this is […]

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