Tag Archives | meitiv

More Meitiv family distrust.

Meitivs Face a New Battle at School, And So Do Other Maryland Families

. Danielle zskzhaifkb Meitiv, the Free-Range mom investigated by Child Protective Services twice for the unconscionable crime of letting her kids walk home from the park in  Silver Spring, Maryland, has a new paranoid entity to deal with: The Montgomery County School District. Starting this year, every parent who wants to volunteer, even for a […]

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How can we prevent local authorities from investigating Free-Range families?

How to Fight the Laws and Culture That Mandate Helicopter Parenting

. This post comes to us from the amazing appellate and intellectual property attorney at Andrews Kurth LLP, Matthew ftadkzhbay Dowd, who took on the Meitiv cases(s), pro bono, and won!  He says he now gets to sleep in sometimes because his 11-year-old son and 7-old-daughter walk themselves to school. Building on the Every Student Succeeds Act, by […]

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Hi! I'm dead, I bummed everyone out during the Super Bowl, and I'm not even the worst Free-Range story of last year!

The 10 Worst Free-Range Kids Stories of 2015 (and the 5 best!)

. A zrnsnndbay mash-up of the most insane events proceeding from the desire to keep our precious kids safe…no matter how moronically: 1 – Mom Who Overslept While Her Son Walked to School Handcuffed, Threatened with 10 Years’ Sentence In November, Connecticut mom Maria Hasankolli overslept while her son, age 8, got himself ready for […]

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The Meitiv family is no longer up a tree!


From Danielle Meitiv’s Facebook page comes glorious news! MORE tkzddkyzrf GOOD NEWS on the free-range front: We received the notice about CPS’ findings in the second, horrible incident when the kids were picked up on April 12th. They “ruled out” neglect, which means BOTH cases have been decided in our favor and are now closed. […]

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