Tag Archives | meitiv

Who gets to rule on how we raise our kids?

How Come CPS Gets to Decide If Kids Can Walk Outside?

Here’s a great comment on the fddirshtki post below this one, about the Meitiv case. They Meitivs were, of course, investigated for letting their 10 and 6 year old kids walk home together from the park in suburban Maryland: I think we need to start lobbying state legislatures for reasonable laws that provide some clarity and […]

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UPDATED: CPS Decision in Maryland Case: Parents Responsible for “Unsubstantiated” Child Neglect

The long-awaited decision from Montgomery County Child Protective Services has arrived at the home of Danielle and Alex Meitiv, and it finds them “responsible” for “unsubstantiated child neglect” for letting their kids walk outside, unsupervised. If that decision makes no sense to you, either — how can parents be responsible for something that is unsubstantiated? […]

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Was this Footage FAKED? Children Walk on EARTH!

Love this video that I snagged from The rhaifiknyr Atlantic (thanks to old pal Peter Rabinowitz!). As I like to point out at talks I give: In my day, there was “arrival” at school, and “dismissal.” Now it’s “drop off” and “pick up” — as if the kids have become FedEx packages. – L

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ABC’s Nightline Revisits Free-Range Kids

Nightline sums up the whole Free-Range Kids idea pretty darn nicely, I’d say, as do the Meitivs. Let me know what you think of the shrink! I feel like she’s almost from the bygone era of 2014, before America woke up from its media-induced nightmare. World beazdakatz News Videos | ABC World News

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Flood the streets with kids!

Let’s Not Assume Children Outside are Never Safe…from CPS

A dad’s comment about over-emphasizing the chances of the cops questioning Free-Range Parents strikes me as worth printing here: Something we should all keep in mind is that kids who walk to the park without adults and are *NOT* stopped don’t make the news.  Just like the millions of kids who are not abducted by […]

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Letting kids have a Free-Range childhood should NOT be a crime.

The Meitivs are Restless

Update on Danielle and Alexander Meitiv in suburban Maryland who  are being investigated for negligence because they let their kids, 10 and 6, walk home from the park unsupervised. (I don’t write “walk home alone” because they weren’t — the had each other!) The parents had their hearing with Child Protective Services yesterday. Writes Donna […]

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Boy, 10, crosses bridge on bike.

Boy, 10, Bikes 20 Miles into NYC. Arrest the Parents?

Did you hear about the 10-year-old who rode his bike across the George Washington Bridge to New York City?! He says he, “pedaled twenty miles down unfamiliar roads and busy streets, past neighbors and strangers, out into the unknown….I didn’t need help form anyone. It took me all day, but I found the way and did […]

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What independence just might be preparing kids for.

Handy-Dandy Response to: “What if Something Bad Happens to Them?”

“What if something bad happens to them? Even if the danger is one in a million, that doesn’t matter when it’s YOUR kid.” That’s often the response that greets parents who let their kids do anything on their own. It’s certainly the reason Danielle ahesekbday and Alexander Meitiv are dealing with the authorities after letting […]

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