Tag Archives | nature deficit

You're never alone, with a phone.

It Used to be Lonely for Kids INSIDE. Now It’s the Reverse

. This post comes from Mollie Shaw, a friend, frequent commenter, and Free-Ranger who is a writer and marketing consultant in British Columbia. Maybe it will resonate for you the way it did for me: Dear idhenrhyeh Free-Range Kids: I can remember feeling lonely as a young child in the 1970s.  I have vivid recollections of […]

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Send kids outside when very young! And if you're worried about them getting lost, just give them some bread crumbs.

How Can We Expect Kids to Suddenly Love the Outdoors?

. Susan Solomon is an architectural ykndtayars historian who studies the science of play, the architecture of playgrounds (among other things), and what it takes to get kids doing their thing outside. The first step, of course, is just that: Getting them out the door. In this post on her Science of Play blog, she offers a […]

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The bedroom/playroom/friend's house/park/neighborhood on wheels!

Subaru Ad: Isn’t It Great Kids Spend Their Entire Childhood In the Car?

. This iazhhzfzth ad, just brought to my attention though it’s a year old, is completely shocking. I don’t think an ad could be more dystopian. Parents: You will spend your children’s entire childhood chauffeuring them from the day they’re born through their teen years. Enjoy! Kids: You will spend your entire childhood with your […]

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What if recess wasn't JUST to get kids' energy out?

How to Stop Ruining Recess

Valerie adhfzzfasa Strauss at The Washington Post published this wonderful piece by Angela Hanscom, founder of TimberNook, a nature-based development program designed to foster creativity and independent play outdoors in New England. Here’s an excerpt. And since most schools do NOT have a forest at hand,  feel free to suggest ways to incorporate these ideas in an […]

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