Tag Archives | playing


The Future Begins in Play: Steven Johnson

This succinct, compelling TED Talk by Steven Johnson, author of How ryhtzbrhrt We Got to Now, explains that  many great inventions, including the computer, often began as simply new ways to play. The Free-Range corollary is that if we want to raise great inventors (or simply happy humans) we need to let kids do the […]

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Safe, safe, safe.

Are Our Kids Too Safe to Succeed?

. Here’s a chunk of my piece that just azbhrtrbki ran on  Politico. After explaining that I’m the mom who let her 9 year old ride the subway alone, yada yada, and that our society overestimates danger and underestimates kids (also yada yada), I went on to say that keeping our kids constantly supervised  is  — […]

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Did What You Played as a Kid Influence Who You Became as an Adult? 

Readers — The folks at Playworld refznatket Systems, makers of playground equipment, not only made this elegiac video about saving outdoor free play, they’re also keen on reminding us all about the importance of early childhood play. Me too, for a variety of reasons, including one you don’t hear that much about: How early childhood play […]

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