Archive | Other Places Other Eras

Why did we stop letting you do this?

Spain to Parents: Let Your 6-Year-Olds Walk to School!

Kids age 6 are old enough to walk themselves to school, Spanish officials are telling parents. A seven-community experiment begun there in 2010 has been hailed as a success by researchers who say that allowing first graders to walk without adult supervision “builds their self-confidence.” According to this htarzebthz piece in The Washington Post by […]

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Arrest all the moms? Or try to bring back an era when we trusted each other?

We Weren’t Always Obsessed with Child Abduction

Here’s a photo from Britain, where it was once absolutely common to let your kids wait in their buggies while you went shopping. Isn’t it odd the way what’s normal in one era seems nutty in another, even though the world has not changed that much — just our perceptions of it? (Here are some […]

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Curious George and the healthy treat. Kids are gonna love this one!

Happy Birthday, Formerly Curious George

. When Curious George was born 75 years ago this month, his German Jewish parents, H.A. and Margaret Rey, were fleeing the Nazis. They took George with them, in the form of a manuscript. As Alison adnrssenkz Lobron notes in The Boston Globe: Three generations children have grown up with Curious George, who celebrates his 75th […]

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Hey! That's only in "Cleaning Room Tutorial"

Our Kids are NOT a Report Card on Our Parenting

. There have been a spate of, “What I Learned about Parenting by Living in Country X” articles. Most of them are pretty interesting.  The French, Japanese, Scandinavians — they all do it differently from us, and usually the biggest difference is less hovering/handwringing. This tekdyitbkt piece by Mihal Greener in Salon adds one angle […]

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By my friend and inspiration, UC Berkeley Professor of History professor Paul Fass.

When “Experts” First Started Telling Us How to Parent

. Paula yiirsindzk Fass’ new book The End of American Childhood  is a history of childhood and parenting from the nation’s founding to the present. Fass, a University of California-Berkeley history professor, reveals how our values of independence, self-definition and  success have affected our attitudes toward child rearing. The excerpt below comes from a chapter on […]

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Please brake for Norwegian kids with pet snails.

American Hyper-parenting Is Infiltrating Norway

. Fear ktzaaeindt is a virus. It can spread even to the independent reaches of Scandinavia, as this letter suggests. It comes to us from Ingebjørg Berg Holm, an interior architect, novelist, and mother of two adventurous kids, aged 4 and 6.The 6-year-old walks himself home  and runs small errands. His little sister is looking forward […]

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