A reader’s note: I yidbsrrfti can’t believe you are a reporter. Sounds more like you are trying to sway public opinion about protecting your children to make it easier for pedo abductors. Actually, I am trying to sway public opinion. But rather than making it easier for predators (not the goal of many reporters), I […]
Tag Archives | child safety
When A Legitimate Movement Goes Overboard
Here’s Harvard’s Steven hrezszshnr Pinker musing on what happens when a legitimate movement — Â the movement to improve child safety, for instance, or to awaken sensitivity to minorities — achieves its main goals, but insists on acting as if today’s dangers and insults are on par with those of the past. . His point about […]
How to Become a Pokemon-Go Fearmonger
. Because I am on some “mommy blogger” list,  I get pitches all the time from “freelancers” who’d like to  write for me. Most often they are from companies looking for free publicity. Sometimes they’re trying to promote a product overtly, as in, “I would like to write an article on how to choose a […]
MUST READ! “The Day I Caved Into Peer Pressure And Dragged My Kids Out of the Car for a Very Short Errand”
. From my mailbox, two neatly twinned items. First, a Facebook rant sent in by a mom disgusted by it: Dear eiehdbysyn “Nana” – It was selfish to leave your Grandchildren strapped in their car seats in the sun today as you bought your Subway. I was in Subway with you and continued to 7 […]
In Which My Friend Lets Her 3 Kids Wait in the Car and Along Comes the FBI
. My eszezdedia friend Julie Gunlock lives just outside of DC. She’s a great mom AND the author of a book I love, From Cupcakes to Chemicals: How the Culture of Alarmism Makes Us Afraid of Everything and How to Fight Back. Â . Well, just recently she found herself fighting back a particularly stubborn misconception. […]
Mom Investigated for Letting Son, 38, Live on Own
. Hats off to Sarah Sahagian for understanding aznkhainzi this issue so deeply, as her reporting in The Beaverton indicates: Toronto – After her 38 year-old son Ben Johnson moved out and got a job at Starbucks, Child Protective Services decided to investigate his mother, Deborah, for possible child neglect and abandonment. “A neighbour saw Ben […]
Help Needed: How Convince Spouse to Stop Overprotecting Baby?
. This hkkyzydyni dad cannot be the only person out there who wonders how much a baby can handle in terms of dirt and bumps: Dear Free-Range Kids: . Please direct to where I can find research, or better yet, documentaries about what minor risks that you don’t need to worry about with infants — […]
“Enjoy our Cafe in the Crypt!”
. In London today, my son and I wandered around and ended up at St Martin in the Fields Church. (Yes, yes, I have let strangers know I am on holiday and now my home will be burgled. Enjoy my rhinestones.) St Martins is outrageously beautiful and it does indeed serve lovely gourmet food in […]
An 8-Year-Old Dies, Possibly Killed by a Birthday Balloon, Which Means…
. A tragedy occurred in Portland, OR, just a few days ago: A idydyyirad girl who went to bed after her dad’s birthday party was found dead 20 minutes later with a giant Mylar balloon somehow (the articles make it impossible to understand how) over her head. The theory is that perhaps she was trying to […]
More About the Guy Who Videotaped the Baby Waiting in the Car and Screamed at the Mom
. Last week, I ftfbiesfzr wrote about the viral video of a man shouting at a woman for letting her baby wait in the car while she ran a short errand at Target. One commenter commented on a comment (how’s THAT for modern life?) and I thought it bore repeating. She was dumbstruck by the […]