. From ynifnhyiba Camp Insurance-in-the-Woods comes this tale: . Dear Free-Range Kids: I’m not sure if you’ve written anything recently on sleepaway summer camp becoming less and less Free-Range, but I wanted to share the experiences of my 12-year-old daughter, who just returned from a one-week camp run in a partnership with the YMCA. . […]
Tag Archives | constant danger
Pope Francis to Parents: Thou Shalt Free-Range
. Pope Francis’ “Statement taktyddksd on the Family,” released April 8, runs 200+ pages. I cannot claim to have read them all. But  here’s the part I’d call the Free-Range Passage (page 196-7): Parents need to be involved and “consider what they want their children to be exposed to,” wrote the Pope. “Vigilance is always […]
Of Course Kids Can’t Play Outside Unsupervised!
. Mom’s too busy to go outside with you, kid? Then clearly the only option is a $159.95 indoor play system. Because you couldn’t possibly go outside UNSUPERVISED and play with FRIENDS, or even even ENTERTAIN YOURSELF, right? Mom must be right there! Always! And so we present: . . As ykytbhhhta commenter Judy C. […]
Is It Okay to Free-Range While Privately Freaking Out?
. A reader eftkiihkyt writes: I want to be a Free-Range parent. I really really do. I do try. Just last week I told myself to stay calm before saying anything to a parent who had allowed my son to swim in her pool before I arrived at a birthday party. There were 12 kids in […]
Fear of Predators Can Make Us Less Safe
Readers — Yes, this yaitkttdht study happens to be about fire ants, but it struck me as hugely metaphoric. I think you’ll see why! – L. Fear of predators may be a bigger killer than the predators themselves (PhysOrg.com) — When biologists consider the effects that predators have on their prey, they shouldn’t just count the […]
A Couple of Thoughts on Parental Fear (and Tempering It)
To Anyone New Just Joining Us Here: Hello! Welcome! Glad you’re here! The Free-Range Movement is dedicated to the idea that our kids are safer and smarter than our society tells us they are, so we don’t have to worry quite as much as we do. That’s why I’m often asked: Haven’t ynztznshty parents always worried […]
Day Care Teacher Puts Out Fire, Loses Job
Readers — This deennadssn story is so bizarre, I have to share it so I don’t explode: While kids were napping at a Florida day care center last week, their teacher smelled smoke and went to investigate. Sure enough, she says, some chicken nuggets had caught fire in the oven. She tried to put it out […]
New App Analyzes the “Data” in Your Baby’s Diaper*
Readers, fknhnhikbf get set to scientifically analyze your baby’s diaper every single  change. You don’t want to just flush that data down the diaper genie! Only the most lazy parent assumes that if the kid seems fine the kid is fine. That’s like those parents who don’t have an infra-red baby monitor. They just assume […]
Swim Safety Gone Overboard at YMCA
Readers bkdeykrtnn — Safety is good. Excess safety can actually undermine itself, as it seems to be doing at this Y, in Philadelphia: Dear Free-Range Kids: The YMCA where my family has a membership has recently made a change to its free swim policy that made me instantly think of you. The more I think […]
“Nothing Bad Happened When Son with Autism…”
Hi zbtnbfnrbf Readers! You have been sending in fantastic, “Nothing Bad Happened When My Kid…” stories that show how nice and normal life can be when we quit worrying about extremely  unlikely tragedies every time we consider letting our kids out of our sight. The note below one is a reminder that special needs kids […]