Here’s a note home sent by a school in suburban Maryland — the same county where the Meitiv idiykidrdn kids were picked up twice for walking home from the park unchaperoned:                                                                        February 8, 2017 Dear Parents/Guardians: I am sending this letter to inform the _____ community of an event that occurred at one of the […]
Tag Archives | eek a male
Is the New “Uber for Women” The Direction We’re Headed: Trust No Males Over 13?
hnstttihsn . Have you heard of Chariot? I just got two letters about the new service, which is basically “Uber for Women.” The deal? No male drivers, no male passengers over 13. Both of the folks who brought it to my attention made great points: Dear Free-Range Kids: There will soon be a new alternative […]
Dad Looking for Lost Dog Mistaken for Predator, Banned from Son’s Pre-K Graduation
. Last fall, irhezdetdt a man who was driving his van around Susquehanna University looking for his lost dog was mistaken for a predator.  . Why? Probably because he was…a man. Driving a van. Looking for a “lost dog.” Never mind all the “LOST DOG” posters the family had put up. Never mind the fact that […]
Man Asks Girls of Girl Scout Age, in Girl Scout Cookie Selling Season, If They Are Selling Girl Scout Cookies. Police Are Alerted.
. Readers, I get about five stories a day that just flabbergast me. Here’s eaednfndyt one. I’m not the only one slackjawed at the insanity of the concern afforded this “incident,” am I? I mean, just look at the headline! Potentially Suspicious Man Asks Girls about Buying Girl Scout Cookies Is “potentially suspicious” even English? […]
Mom Freaks Out That Man at Mall Is Taking Selfies…With Her Kids In the Background! (And Facebook Supports Her)
. I absnzrtezz figured I’d get your weekly dose of head-exploding insanity out of the way on Monday. Then we can talk about other ideas the rest of the week: Â . Dear Free-Range Kids: . I’m contacting you because I need a voice of reason in the insanity that are the local mothers in Columbus, […]
“Child Luring” Suspect Was Actually…
. Years ago I went to a friend’s African-American church. The preacher told a story about the time he was running to catch the bus on Manhattan’s Central Park West — a beautiful avenue boasting our iconic park on one side, and million dollar condos on the other. As he sprinted up the street, a […]
“Don’t Touch My Nuts!” Yells Kid When Actor in Children’s Play Asks, “What’s Your Name?”
Readers asfhisssny – I hope that this is the story of just one over-coached kid. But…maybe not. This is a piece from SpikedOnline by the inimitable Josie Appleton who runs the Manifesto Club in Britain, which is like Free-Range Kids mixed with A “panto” is the age-old, slapstick, audience-participatory Christmas pantomime show (not silent!) that […]