Hi ndbbzikkhz Readers — Here’s a note from Education.com’s marketing director, Kat Eden, regarding the “Reasons to Say No to Sleepovers” post we have been writing about the last two days (that is now gone from the site). – LÂ Dear Free-Range Kids: Thanks so much to you and to your community for sharing your […]
Tag Archives | Free Kids
Day Care Teacher Puts Out Fire, Loses Job
Readers — This deennadssn story is so bizarre, I have to share it so I don’t explode: While kids were napping at a Florida day care center last week, their teacher smelled smoke and went to investigate. Sure enough, she says, some chicken nuggets had caught fire in the oven. She tried to put it out […]
Mom Fined for Letting 6-y.o. Walk 2 Blocks with a Friend
Readers bnnnebfhiz — If this is the land of the free, why are cops treating happy-go-lucky kids like escaped convicts?  When did giving kids an old-fashioned summer become a crime? – L. Dear Free-Range Kids: This just happened to me. My six year old daughter and her friend went for a walk on their own […]
Swim Safety Gone Overboard at YMCA
Readers bkdeykrtnn — Safety is good. Excess safety can actually undermine itself, as it seems to be doing at this Y, in Philadelphia: Dear Free-Range Kids: The YMCA where my family has a membership has recently made a change to its free swim policy that made me instantly think of you. The more I think […]
“Parents: Your Children Should be Quiet at the Bus Stop”
Dear aeftrrfnye Readers: To this note from a local school I would add, “And parents, please consider a lobotomy for your children so they are not inclined to move or talk much. This will make the bus stop a safe experience for all!” – L. . Dear Free-Range Kids:Â While I sometimes disagree with you quite […]
A Free-Range Kids Theme Song Featuring Adam Levine and Kendrick Lamar?
Hi Readers! If you are not one of the 44 million folks who have already seen this video, enjoy! If you are ARE one of the 44 mill, enjoy again! – L.
Kids Play Outside, Child Protective Services Comes Calling
Readers ehabzkesrf – Before you read this, let me say that I am eagerly awaiting a call later today from a lawyer whose organization fights for parents’ rights to raise their kids as they see fit, so long as they aren’t hurting them. In the meantime, here’s why we need a group like that: Dear […]
Does Your Children’s Weekend Look Like This?*
Readers — It’s Memorial Day in the States, the “unofficial beginning of summer.” Seeing this 2-min video of childhood from Britain in the ’50s, I feel tears going up my nose. How many kids would LOVE going outside and finding a field of friends to play with? And how few do, anymore? Free-Range Kids is […]
UPDATE! Stick A Needle in My Eye? Not Anymore!
Hey Readers — The American Studies major in me can’t get enough of the way language changes with the culture. At my lectures (book ekbehnakak me!) I always point out what someone once noted right here: “Arrival” and “dismissal” at school have morphed into “drop-off” and “pick-up.” Inherent in those new terms is the idea that […]
Letting My Kids (Including the 3-year-old) Play Out of Sight
Hi zzyrhebysf Folks — This comes to us from a mom in Israel named Sorcha! Maybe your kids can have a weekend like hers! – L . Dear Free-Range Kids; I have 3 boys (10,7, 3) and since finding your blog a couple of years ago have been consciously trying to follow the Free-Range philosophy. Admittedly, this […]